What does a missed period mean

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You could have a missed period for several reasons. Pregnancy is the most common of a missed period. It also could be from diet. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-missed-period-mean ]
More Answers to “What does a missed period mean
What does a missed period mean?
That you’ve knocked her up? Devs. But if this is someone too embarrassed to admit they are talking about THEM not their girlfriend, usually in the first couple years your periods can be irregular and you can miss some.
Why am i having missed period, stomach and back pain??
Menstruation – Absent. The absence of menstruation means no menstrual flow. Absent menstruation may be primary (no menstruation before age 16) or secondary (menstruation begins at the appropriate age, but later stops for more than 3 cycles …
Does a missed period mean you’re pregnant?
Yes, it can do – take a test

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does a missed period mean I will get two periods in one month?
Q: My period was about 2 weeks late. Does that mean I will be burdened with two periods in the course of one month?In other words, I was supposed to have gotten my period around july 25th. I got it August 13th. Once my cycle is through, will I get another period on August 25th, or around that time?Thanks! Classy answers, s’il te plait.
A: Hmmmm. two weeks late? have you been sexually active? if so are you using protection? are you using any medications? have you been ill? Have you been in training? there are many reasons for a late or missed period. if your pregnant you can still have a period up till I think the second or third month…? not common but it happens, if you are under stress physical or mental it can affect your body’s cycle. there are also medical conditions that cause multiple periods in a month. best way to figure it out is to track it for a few months and if its erratic make an appointment with your doctor, if you have any reason to suspect that you may be pregnant pick up a test.
Does pregancy symptoms before a missed period mean you have enough HCG for a home test to pick up?
Q: I’m only 8 dpo but I’m already having pregnancy symptoms (tender/swollen breast, abdominal cramps, dizziness). Does having these symptoms this early mean that I probably have enough hcg in my system for an early home pregagncy test (25 miu) to pick up? If not, what’s the earliest a 25 miu HPT would show a positive?
A: yes because what gives you the symptoms is that hormone
What does a missed period mean?
Q: my girlfriend had her period last may 5 and it ended in I think 9 or 11… what does a missed period mean?
A: That you’ve knocked her up? Devs.But if this is someone too embarrassed to admit they are talking about THEM not their girlfriend, usually in the first couple years your periods can be irregular and you can miss some.
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