What does a color blind person see

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There are several different kinds and degrees of color vision deficiencies. Most see different colors but the color hues are off. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-does-a-color-blind-person-see ]
More Answers to “What does a color blind person see
How can a colorblind person see to get around?
Color blind people see “black & white” just as old photographs did. Simply not “seeing” color doesn’t mean they are blind to a color, it means they can’t tell what color the object really is… shades of black, white…
Could a color-blind person see a brightly colored line spectra??
I’m colour blind but don’t clearly understand your question. Whether I could see all the colours you see in “a brightly colored line spectra” (whatever it may be), would depend upon which colours and shades were featured. For exam…
How Does a Color-Blind Person See Your Site ?
With around 5-8% of males diagnosed colorblind , it is increasingly important for web designers to see how colorblind users on the Internet perceive color combinations. If you are interested in designing a more accessible website or are cur…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Does a colorblind person still have the ability to expirence the color they can’t see?
Q: Can a color blind person still expirence the missing color perhaps in dreams or such? Since they could not see the color as a developing baby, is their brain not developed to expirence that color? Do our brains still develop the ability whether or not we use it?
A: I don’t think they can. But Im not a neuro scientist.Our visual memory is based on the image we see. So a colorblind person, for example some one who can’t tell green from blue, will only see one of those colors ,or something else, for that range of colors. How would you describe the color to that person? I think it is impossible since he is only seeing part of the color spectrum.I think our subconcious is built by experiance so there is nothing programmed for us to be able to “know” all the colors without actually seeing them.The brain does amazing things to what we see. One example is that because of the lens in the eye an infant actually sees everythinh upside down but in about a week the brain realizes the incorrectness and flips the image!! I think that is just amazing.
Could a color-blind person see a brightly colored line spectra?
Q: Would they be able to see it at all, partially, or non of it at all? Thanks!Sorry I’ll try to clarify – for chemistry we observed the line spectrum of different gasses, and I wasn’t sure if somebody color blind could see those colors?
A: I’m colour blind but don’t clearly understand your question. Whether I could see all the colours you see in “a brightly colored line spectra” (whatever it may be), would depend upon which colours and shades were featured. For example, parts of the blue-green and orange-red-brown spectra look the same to me.Update<<… and I wasn’t sure if somebody color blind could see those colors?>>As said, it would depend upon which colours and which shades.
How many chromosomes does a color blind person have?
Q: I am doing a project for school
A: 46 chromosomes or 23 pair….just like all people. A color blind person has an absence or malfunction of certain color-sensitive cells in the retina. Color blindness can be genetic and is a recessive trait that is more common in men.
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