What do you do if you feel a panic attack coming on

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Breathing techniques such as yoga can be calming, some often find aerobic exercise to be a good way to manage the attacks also. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-you-do-if-you-feel-a-panic-attack-coming-on ]
More Answers to “What do you do if you feel a panic attack coming on
What to Do When you Feel a Panic Attack Coming Part 1:?
The following is presented for informational purposes only. Assessment and treatment should always be directed through one-on-one consultation with a trained professional. This is one of my favorite questions and obviously one of the most i…
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Do you find that when you feel a Panic Attack coming on that it comes from nothing in particular?
Q: What I mean is that you’re fine one minute and freaking out the next, and nothing in particular caused you to feel this way?Or do you usually have an attack from something specific?
A: your going to feel them coming on but its up to you to say to yourself, if it happens it happens but it will go away in a mintute or two. the thing is to control your mind and not let it control you
What should I do if I feel a panic attack coming on at work?
Q: I have medication, but like to leave that as a last resort. Should I do deep breahing, visulization? What really helps the most?
A: The key about using breathing is to control it. Normal breathing is about 10 breaths a minute, or one breath every 6 seconds. When you brearhe in, make sure the breath expands your lungs and goes in deeply enough to make your stomach move out. It may help to count silently…something like “1, 2, 3, in…1, 2, 3, out” to help you time each breath. When your breathing is controlled, it slows your heart rate…making it difficult to sustain a panic attack’s racing pulse. Visualization in combination with breathing may work for you also. The good news is that research tells us that high anxiety is probably the most “curable” of all psychological problems. I recommend looking for a professional counselor or psychologist who treats anxiety (most do because it is so common) and learning more about what triggers your anxiety and how to cope with it. It usually can be done with short trem treatment if the case is relatively uncomplicated and imagine how much better you’ll feel! Good luck! P.S. Leaving the situation may make things worse instead of better…Panic attacks can never last too terribly long, and if you start connecting leaving work with ending the attack, you may soon believe that being at work causes you to panic. The problem can get bigger & bigger. Get help to stop the anxiety before it impairs your life any further!
I feel a panic attack coming on…what the hell do I do?
Q: I hate these things, I absolutely hate them.I’m already freaking bobbing back and forth and my hands are shakey and I pretty much feel screwed out of my mind.How do I stop this- cause I don’t much feel like hyperventilating and screaming my face off tonight.plllleeeeease tell me what to do someone.I’m basically home alone my little brother is sleeping all I have is my cat I guess but she hates me.
A: Lots of good answers here, I especially like Jenna and humpty dumpty’s. My panic attacks are all mental, mostly are a fear of my own panic response.The way I got myself out of them – I slowly got better over time – was to distract myself and draw my focus outward, away from the physical sensations that are trying to convince me I can’t control it.A couple of times, anger helped me to distract and pull myself away from the fright long enough to change my behaviors and my focus. Often, I had to simply lay down and let my mind drift through totally random benign images. Sleep is a great way to re-set your mind – you wake up with a neutral, relaxed paradigm.Night was always the most frightening for me, because I was very limited as to who I could contact for help, and I’ve found that human contact is an excellent help to re-focus… but gradually, I have learned through practice, to just LET myself go… funny paradox for me was that the more I tried to actively manage my responses, the worse it got. But when I just let it be, and let myself relax out of it (much easier said than done)… I could gradually allow it to pass away from me.The time I thought I was going to die, the only thing that calmed me down enough was to get a Priesthood Blessing from my home teacher – he and my husband kneeled over the bed where I was trying unsucessfully to relax and laid their hands on my head. In the blessing, my home teacher said that it would take me time to recover… which, funny enough, was what made the whole thing bearable. I knew that time was my friend for feeling better, and I trusted the Great Physician who made me.So, the next time you feel panic looming, you might try telling it “whatever, go away, I’m busy”, then focus on something else (without trying to hard to focus – go into soft focus). If it happens anyway, it might not be purely mental. If it’s a hormonal imbalance, you will need meds to help keep things stable. Until you can get those, just focus on the fact that you live through these episodes, and even if they are unpleasant, you ARE strong enough to deal with them – you know this because you pull through every time, and every time is a chance to get stronger.PS Maybe cat doesn’t hate you… maybe she’s trying to set an example of how to chill, how to be emotionally neutral. My cat soothes me just being there, even if he’s not in a lovey-dovey mood. Some people find fish to be great de-stressers. Maybe get yourself some things to look at that are cool blues greens and purples.
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