What do I do if my poop is on fire

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Call 911? Unless you set it on fire yourself, there is no way medically that your stool can be on fire. ChaCha later! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-i-do-if-my-poop-is-on-fire ]
More Answers to “What do I do if my poop is on fire
What would happen if you put poop and fire together??
it would become gold people say coal does that but nope its only poop and fire but dont forget a battery o ya hairy cock
How does fire belly newt poop look like?
that is ur fbn poop its usually really small or if he eats alot kind of big. thats how my fbn poop is 2

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What episode of Family Guy is it when someone lights a bag of poop on fire on Joe’s porch?
Q: Someone lights a bag of poop on fire on Joe’s porch and starts putting the fire out with his legs. Then he yells something like, it’s doody! Anyone know what episode that is?
A: Brian the BatchelorSeason 4 Ep 7
Is lighting a bag of dog poop on fire and throwing it on someones porch illegal nowadays?
Q: My mom did it to people all the time in the 1970’s and 80’s and I was wanting to know in this decade, is it against the law now? If it is, I would kind of see why.
A: Yes, it is. Most states statutes consider it criminal mischief, malicious mischief, or malicious trespass. Two things that make it vandalism: intent and malice. Actually, just planning an act of vandalism is illegal in most states. Lighting flammable materials on a doorstep could also land you with some felony arson charges too. Vandalism is typically a felony in the fifth degree. But this can vary on the cost the vandalism caused, and the type of structure. For example, spray painting a court house would merit more punishment than say, lighting crap on someone’s doorstep. Additionally, most states hold parents financially responsible for acts of vandalism done by children. Consult local and state laws for exact verbage of vandalism statutes. They vary state to state.
Should our military make a side trip & just fire bomb the poop out of the pirates on their way out of Iraq?
Q: Sorry Phil, but they gotta go. Let Ethiopia & Kenya split it.
A: it would certainly fix the problem short-term but leave us with a bigger problem.people take to the high seas with knives between their teeth because they have no other choice. if these countries weren’t so stricken by poverty, famine, collapse of their corrupt regimes and total lack of educational frameworks then their ctizens wouldn’t have such a knack for internationally eyebrow-raising crime.also, these are sovereign countries we’re talking about. if we just go in and smash them with our navies then wouldn’t it make it okay for someone else, let’s say russia for argument’s sake, if we go into ethiopian waters and ‘arrest’ all their pirates for illegal activity then why oughtn’t russia go into the straight of hormuz and ‘arrest’ the vast majority of our royal navy for the illegal seige of Iran?i think your suggestion would be around as effective in halting piracy as a blanket ban on Johnny Depp movies. also- “fire bomb the poop”nice.!
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