What do for a bee sting

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Remove the stinger with all haste, in whatever manner is most convenient. If you see a little black dot in the wound, part MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-for-a-bee-sting ]
More Answers to “What do for a bee sting
How to Treat a Bee Sting
・ 1 The first thing to do is to find the bee stinger. The bee sting will redden, so look in the center… ・ 2 Remove the stinger with a flat edge, like a piece of paper or credit card. Remove the stinger as quickly… ・ 3 If you have an all…
What to do about a bee sting?
It sounds like the stinger is still in the area. try this: If you are stung by a bee: Call emergency medical services if you have a history of severe reactions to insect stings. Determine if the stinger is still present (look for a small bl…
Do bumble bees have stings?
Amoungst bees and wasps, only females can sting. Male bumblebees are smaller than females. These “drone” bees look similar to females so preditors avoid them, even though they are harmless. Humans seem to differ from other creatur…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how long does it take for swelling from a bee sting to go down if you’re allergic?
Q: Monday evening i was stung on the hand by either a yellow jacket or honey bee.. either way i am allergic to bees. Now my whole hand up to my forearm is very swollen. I went today to the Dr. and they prescribed me a steroid pack which i have already took the daily dose for today. How long will it take for the swelling to go down?
A: At least a day and possible two (a lot depends on the degree of your allergy)
Is there a natural remedy for bee sting allergies?
Q: I am looking for a natural way to help when someone is very allergic to bees. I have read that Epinephrine is the best way to go, but an Epipen or other epinephrine remedies have needles and they take some effort to use. Is there a remedy that can be used immediately after a bee sting that can help at least until you can made it to the hospital? Thanks!
A: Benadryl would be the next best thing. It’s not “natural”, it’s a man-made over-the-counter drug, but it is a great antihistimine to help relieve symptoms.Of course, if your friend has a *severe* allergy to beestings, then the epi-pen might be the only thing that could save his life. If it came down to dying because you can’t breathe, or sticking yourself with a short needle, do you really think you wouldn’t use the pen?.
How long should effects from a bee sting last?
Q: I stepped on a bee a week ago on Sunday. The stinger was pulled out and that night my toe got a little swollen. During the week, it got really itchy, but the swelling subsided slightly. Then it got red on the top of my toe (the sting was on the underside) in a weird shape that looked like a birthmark. Now that it’s a week later, the swelling has increased again to where it’s a little painful to wear my normal work shoes.Is it typical for bee stings to last this long and for the swelling to go up again?
A: No thats not right. I got stung by a bee and the effects lasted for like 5 to 15 minutes. My toe was a little puffy but it stopped hurting on the same day.I think that you are having an allergic reaction. You could be allergic to bees. If it keeps hurting get it checked out by the doc.
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