What do fallen arches mean

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Young children’s arches may fall due to loose joint connections in their feet. For adults, arches can lose strength and (more) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-fallen-arches-mean ]
More Answers to “What do fallen arches mean
What are Fallen arches?
The condition of flat feet or fallen arches refers to a condition where the arch of the foot collapses and the entire bottom of the foot come into contact or near contact with the ground. This condition often has a childhood origin. However…
What are fallen arches on your feet? and what does picking marble…?
Fallen arches is another term for the common term of someone being “flat-footed.” In medical terms, this may be called pes planus. One way to determine if one has fallen arches is to measure the distance the navicular bone (a bone…
How do you get fallen arches?
Falling arches can be hereditary as well. The above poster is correct that the wrong type of shoes (shoes that are too flat with no arch support and walking bare foot) will eventually make some people ‘flat-footed’ which means their arches …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What does “fallen arches” mean?
A: Flat feet. I have “fallen arches”. It’s not as common as having arched feet. People with arched feet tend to be better dancers, but more prone to injury; while those with flat feet are faster runners and looked upon as unusual.
What does it mean when people say “your arch(in your foot) has fallen”?
Q: My foot really hurts from like my big two all the way to my arch and my grandmother said my arch probably fell. What does that mean, exactly? Is it a serious injury? Should I see a doctor?
A: If your arch fell, it could mean you are flatfooted. (Your arch is supposed to be raised.) You do need to see a podiatrist (foot doctor) because there is a cure. If you wear specialized orthodics (shoe inserts) it can go away over time. If it goes away could depend on your age. If your young you have a chance, but if not, you may need to have sugury if the pain level is high.Hope I helped!Shannyn
what are fallen arches on your feet? and what does picking marbles up with your toes mean?
A: Fallen arches is another term for the common term of someone being “flat-footed.” In medical terms, this may be called pes planus. One way to determine if one has fallen arches is to measure the distance the navicular bone (a bone in the foot at the height of the arch) displaces towards the floor when someone goes from laying down to standing up. Different practictioners will argue as to how far it has to drop to qualify as having pes planus, but something more than a centimeter can be abnormal. There are numerous factors than can cause pes planus such as heridtary factors than lead to structural anomalies or laxity of the ligaments supporting the foot, weakness of the muscles that maintain the arch and control pronation of the foot, disease processes such as rheumatoid arthritis or charcot foot. Picking up marbles is in referece to an exercise that is used to strengthen the flexor hallicus longus and brevis and flexor digitorum longus and brevis which are muslces that help support the arch of the foot. This may be effective if the pes planus is caused by weakness, but many still need to be fitted for orthotics if structural deviation exsist.
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