What do bumps mean on your tongue

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Smoking, Canker sores., Enlarged papillae., diabetes and anemia, and oral cancer can all cause sore bumps on your tongue. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-do-bumps-mean-on-your-tongue ]
More Answers to “What do bumps mean on your tongue
What does it mean when you have a bump inside your tongue??
All bumps or lumps should be checked out by your doctor. If all is fine there then see your dentist as you could have a bit of a jagged edge to a tooth. Also, your dentist is the best form to find mouth cancer (I highly don’t think you have…
What does it mean if you have bumps in the back of your mouth and…?
Hm. I have the same problem. I’ll be keeping an eye on this! Note: I know wen this guy had it, it was because he used someone else’s toothbrush to brush his tongue/mouth? I don’t think I did, though. Dunno.
What does it mean if you have bumps in the back of your throat an…?
You are perfectly normal as long as they aren’t white. The bumps you see on your tongue are taste buds. The bumps on the walls of your throat are part of normal anatomy.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

If you have a slight cold and you get little white bumps on your tongue – what does that mean?
Q: Its like maybe 6 of the tastebuds swelled and are all white. So I have little bumps on the tip of my tongue. This happen to any of you before?
A: Check this site
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Q: I have multiple, rather large, redish, bumps on the back on my tongue and a little bit of my throat. They appeared about 3 days ago and haven’t gone away. Does anyone know what these could be?
A: It could be many things here are a couple I thought of. Taste buds present on the back of your tongue can become inflamed and painful, you could also have warts. Do you have a fever or swollen lymph nodes?…if so it would indicate an infectious process such as tonsillitis, mono, or even strep throat. If it doesn’t clear up or you should start feeling unwell I suggest you go see the doc.
What does it mean if you have bumps in the back of your throat and tongue?
Q: I’ve never looked in the back of my throat before, and I did and I just noticed bumps in the very back of my throat and two or three on the very back of my tongue. I’ve heard it was normal, but I want other opinions.
A: You are perfectly normal as long as they aren’t white.The bumps you see on your tongue are taste buds. The bumps on the walls of your throat are part of normal anatomy.
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