What defines a dwarf

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What defines a dwarf”,you can compare them.

Dwarf: a person of unusually small stature ; especially one whose bodily proportions are abnormal. Keep on doing the ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-defines-a-dwarf ]
More Answers to “What defines a dwarf
What Defines a Planet, Dwarf Planet or Plutoid?
Our universe is full of mysterious things. Some of the things are discovered but some of them are yet to be brought into the light.
How do you define the word icy dwarf?
Ice dwarf is a term for a small icy planetary body (or asteroid or planetoid) that orbits beyond Neptune, that was coined as part of a conception of a threefold division of the Solar system into inner terrestrial planets, central gas giants…
What defines a dwarf, and what defines a midget, what is the diff…?
midget it just a mean word for dwarf and many of them get very insulted when people use it to describe them. Dwarfism is a genetic mutation that causes deformations in stature and body shape.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What defines a dwarf, and what defines a midget, what is the difference?
A: midget it just a mean word for dwarf and many of them get very insulted when people use it to describe them. Dwarfism is a genetic mutation that causes deformations in stature and body shape.
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A: Life on planets does not give of distinct electromagnetic radiation bands. The source of distant light does. These bands are different for each element. Therefore, they can be used to identify the elemental makeup of distant stars.OH MY GOD…DOES KNOWING THIS ANSWER QUALIFY AS A GEEK??LOLHappy Holidays!!
Can someone define the word “ugly dwarf” to me ?
A: Ugly Dwarf – Short, fat and looks clumsy…and definitely ugly…Well, if you want a good look at an ugly dwarf, log onto World of Warcraft account and make an Alliance dwarf… They are all equally ugly…8PSo, if anyone said that to you, they are horrible and mean…^^
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