What cures a sore throat

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Drinking a lot of fluids will help you get rid of a sore throat. Sore throats are most often caused by post-nasal drip MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-cures-a-sore-throat ]
More Answers to “What cures a sore throat
What can cure sore throat ?
White tea really helps me. Try not talking, giving your throat a rest for awhile. I had a friend who had a really bad sore throat and it got to the point where he couldn’t eat or drink anything, got really dehydrated and lost lots of weight…
How to Cure a Sore Throat
A diet consisting of fresh natural herbs, like, ginger, garlic , fenugreek, basil , etc. are considered excellent natural sore throat cures. However, before trying out the above mentioned sore throat cures, check with a herbalist, as some o…
What causes a sore throat?
A sore throat can have many causes including:・ Common viruses, and even the viruses that cause mononucleosis (mono) and the flu, can cause a sore throat. … ・ Breathing through the mouth can produce throat dryness and soreness. ・ Sinus dra…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some cures for a sore throat?
Q: I’ve tried the salt and water thing, but I almost threw up after one time so I didn’t do it again.I’ve been taking medicine for a few days.I’ve gargled Coke.I’ve been to the doctor, he said he was just a virus.Is there any way to cure a sore throat quickly?
A: No, sorry.You can do things to relieve it, but if it’s a virus, it has to run its course.Try medicated lemon drops for relief.
Any instant cures for a sore throat?
Q: I have a sore throat and I would like a cure that I can get easily at home. I can’t go out to a store to get something.
A: Drink tea or hot water. Get a lot of fluids into your body, like water and lemon lime drinks. Try to avoid foods that make your mouth burn, like hot wings or anything spicy. Take a lot of showers to get your throat to clear up.
Are there any cures for a sore throat and a lost voice?
Q: I haven’t been able to talk very well in the past few days. Also I got a cough and my throat is killing me. Any home remidies that work well? Any help would be much appriciated.
A: could be laryngytus try using clod remedies and aloy of vitimin c
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