What could my ankles keep swelling mean

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Swollen Ankles could be from Ankle strain, sprain, break, prior ankle injury, undetected ankle fracture, insect bite, sting MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-my-ankles-keep-swelling-mean ]
More Answers to “What could my ankles keep swelling mean
What does it mean if only one ankle keeps swelling up??
It could mean that you have a blockage of blood running in your veins in your right leg (a deep vein thrombosis). It could be quite serious as sometimes a blood clot can occur late in pregnancy due to the lack of flow of blood due to all th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

what does it mean if only one ankle keeps swelling up?
Q: i am 38w3di noticed the other night my right ankle is swollen, i got a book through the post this morning from boots about joining the parenting club, and i was looking through to see what baby things it has in, and it said if one ankle is swollen you must tell your doctor or midwife immediately, but doesn’t say why?im at the hospital at 2pm today, so will mention it then, but what does it mean?
A: It could mean that you have a blockage of blood running in your veins in your right leg (a deep vein thrombosis). It could be quite serious as sometimes a blood clot can occur late in pregnancy due to the lack of flow of blood due to all the extra pressure and weight. I would go to the hospital now and call your doctor or midwife. Take note if you have any pain on walking in your leg, get any pains in your chest when breathing and tell that to the doctor. Try not to rub your legs too much as this could dislodge a blood clot.Just please go to the doctor now. Hope it turns out to be ok.Additional: The fact that only one leg is swollen means that it cannot be a water retention problem and it is most probably due to a blood flow problem. If the leg/ankle is very sore to touch or red and warm to touch it could be some kind of inflammation.
swollen ankles?
Q: I am not pregnant but i keep having swollen ankles….i’m 5’1″ and 180lbs…i’m considered obese …but people say i am well proportioned…what does swollen ankles mean?
A: swallen ankles could mean several things. The Main problem is retaining water. You should have a doctor check you out. It could be anything from your diet to diabities. If you are not pregnant (which swallen anckles and wrists can occure in mid to late prenancy) you should make sure that you are alright and visit a doctor. Don’t let is slide because if it is a serious health condition you will get worse.
really swollen legs and ankles is there a problem?
Q: I am 37 weeks and am still working full time. i try to get up as much asi can and walk and i keep my feet elevated, but my ankles and feet have been really swollen. I mean they are huge and ithurts to walk because they are so puffy they restrict my movement. I know swollen feet are common but they are really big. do i need to be concerned?
A: Are your hands & face swelling also? If so, you should call your doctor right away as this could be sign of pre-eclempsia. If not, then you should be fine. My feet got to the point that the only shoes I could get on my feet were a hideous pair of white sandles that were stretched out of shape. Even men’s shoes weren’t wide enough to accomodate my feet.
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