What could cause difficulties breathing

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An obstruction of the mouth or passage way could cause difficulty breathing. Also, asthma, lung disease, or a heart attack.ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-cause-difficulties-breathing ]
More Answers to “What could cause difficulties breathing
Can a hiatus hernia cause breathing difficulties.?
one you can look it up online lol. i have a hernia and it does get worse after eating since the hernia itself makes part of the stomach go back up over the diaphram into the chest cavity. so more in your belly the more pressure you get. the…
Can Glandular fever cause breathing difficulties?
It’s probly related honey. I had glandular fever 2 years ago, and it took me months to get over it. It made me tired 24/7, my whole body ached and I picked up a number of infections whilst I had glandular fever including chest infections. J…
What causes Breathing difficulties – first aid Health Article??
Difficulty breathing has many potential causes. Some of the most common are: Sudden illness or infections like pneumonia, acute bronchitis, whooping cough, croup, or epiglottitis Heart disease, asthma, emphysema, chronic bronchitis, or hear…

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Can curvature of the spine cause breathing difficulties?
Q: I have curvature of the spine (dowager’s hump) caused by osteoporosis. I also have seasonal asthma. My question is: Does the curvature cause breathing difficulty?
A: it can especially if your spine is curved toward your front instead of curving to the side.
Can a hiatus hernia cause breathing difficulties?
Q: Also bloating, abdominal discomfort and pounding heart?Thanks for any help.
A: Yes, it can. Although most people have no symptoms whatever, some of us discover we have a hiatus hernia quite early. While bending over, I had a severe pain in the left chest and could not take a breath or really stand up again. It took a while to subside sufficiently so I could take a deeper breath and straighten up a bit. I was 13 or 14 then!There are other things that can result in bloating etc, and terror generally leads to a pounding heart. So you might want to go to your doctor with your experiences and see what is really going on.
Can heart problems/racing heart cause difficulty breathing?
Q: Can a racing, rapid heart beat or some kind of heart problem cause breathing difficulties???
A: yes, a racing heart can cause breathing difficultya racing heart (tachycardia) requires more oxygenthe heart is ‘fed’ oxygen rich blood inbetween (contractions)beatsif the heart is beating fast, that leaves less time for the heart to rest and receive oxygen and would cause you to feel oxygen deprived and short of breath
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