What could be causing sharp pains in your lower right side of your back

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Intense pain in the lower right side of the abdomen can be appendicitis. See a doctor immediately if you can! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-be-causing-sharp-pains-in-your-lower-right-side-of-your-back ]
More Answers to “What could be causing sharp pains in your lower right side of your back
What would cause a sharp pain in the lower right side of my back??
got the same thing, could be sciatica. pinching of the sciatic nerve. mine hurts like hell when it acts up and stretching and exercising my back doesn’t help. look it up and you’ll find treatments for it. its actually a symptom.

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What could be causing my sharp pains in my lower abdomen?
Q: About a day ago I began to have sharp twisting pain in my lower right side abdomen. A few people I work with think it could be appenditis, but i don’t think that’s it. what else could it be? The pain is unbearable, but its brief and goes away fast. But comes back again alittle while later. Also, I’m 20.
A: Well, it could be something else, but why are you gambling? Your description absolutely fits acute appendicitis. If it ruptures, that’s a life threatening surgical emergency. Get to a doc or to an emergency room right away.
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Q: I was laying on my right side sleeping and was awakend by this pain, been bad for an hour now. What is this should I call my doc.? Hurts alot when I move in any way, feels like a muscle tearing or pulling bad causing some small contractions. Help!!I have had alot of Gas but never before has it been this painfull. When I go to move positions the pain gets very bad, but I am having Gas!Thank you to all. I went potty(lol) an hour ago and the pain seems to be subsiding, now i have a bad back ache like food poisoning. I must just be really constipated. I think I’m gonna wait to see if I have a show of some sort before i go to the ER. Getting alot of BH but nothing reg. yet. Thanks Again, Marissa (I will update later)
A: Yes call your doctor. A sharp tearing pain could be a sign that something is wrong with the placenta – no point taking any risks at this stage in yoru pregnancy – call a doctor and if you can’t get hold of one, call and ambulance to make sure you’re on the safe side!
what would cause a sharp pain in the lower right side of my back?
Q: its not a backpain, but its a sharp pain in my lower back.
A: got the same thing, could be sciatica. pinching of the sciatic nerve.mine hurts like hell when it acts up and stretching and exercising my back doesn’t help.look it up and you’ll find treatments for it. its actually a symptom.
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