What could a stabbing pain in my stomach be

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There are many possible causes including: appendicitis, gallstones, hepatitis, irritable bowel syndrome, or just indigestion. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-could-a-stabbing-pain-in-my-stomach-be ]
More Answers to “What could a stabbing pain in my stomach be
I had a stabbing stomach pain and trouble breathing. What could t…?
If you feel that it is something that is serious you may want to consider going to your general practitioner. Im not a doctor but those symptoms sound weird. Hope all is well.
What does a stabbing pain in the stomach mean?
Your body is telling you it needs food and it needs it now. Eat something with carbs thats not over sugar filled. Eat toast with peanut butter, crackers, something that will give you something in your stomach.
Is a burning stomach/ knife stabbing back pain a sign of appendic…?
If the pain continues,esp with fever, you should visit your doctor.

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I had a stabbing stomach pain and trouble breathing. What could this be?
Q: I was doing suicides (sprints) with my soccer team and towards the last two sets I started getting this stabbing pain in my stomach. And I couldn’t breathe. I have asthma but it never had felt that way before. My throat was freezing cold. I could hardly finish my sprints. I felt like I had to go to the restroom but I know I didn’t.
A: If you feel that it is something that is serious you may want to consider going to your general practitioner. Im not a doctor but those symptoms sound weird. Hope all is well.
Is there anyone who can help me with my stabbing stomach pain?
Q: I have been getting stabbing stomach pain for the last 3 months. I have been to the doctor and he put me on pantaloc because he believes it has to do with the lining of my stomach. He says I may have stomach ulcers from the naproxen I was put on. The pantaloc helps a bit, but the pain is still there. I called his office and all he had to say was to keep taking the stomach meds. It hurts when I eat and it hurts more when I don’t eat. Does anyone have any suggestions at all?
A: I drink seven up and believe it really helps and also peto bismol which i think is great, but i think what you need is time and it will just heal itself. You should also probably be on a bland diet and eat nothing that is spicey or would hurt it. Otherwise I’d say see another doctor, sometimes getting a second opinion is the best and can get good results. Good Luck.
What is this sharp stabbing pain in my stomach?
Q: As some may know I asked a question yesterday because I had the flu, which I still do, but Ive never been sick like this before. I got the normal flu symptoms, but I also have the worst stabbing pain in my stomach, and it never goes away it just calms down, and when it gets its worse it can bring me to my knees. Ive had it for 3 days now and dont know what to do. Should I just wait it out see a doc or what? Anyone have any clue what it could be?not sure what side its on it kinda feels like its everywhere, maybe in the middle idk. I think i may go see the docYeah it just got really bad just now, omg i barely ate or drank anything cause of this pain. Ill go to the doc now.
A: you should contact doctor. tell me in which part you have pain in stomach. i think best is to contact DOCTOR.
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