What causes vaginal yeast infections

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes vaginal yeast infections”,you can compare them.

Most yeast infections are caused by a type of yeast called Candida albicans. The body’s Ph gets thrown off and activates yeast. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-vaginal-yeast-infections ]
More Answers to “What causes vaginal yeast infections
Vaginal yeast infections occur when new yeast is introduced into the vaginal area, or when there is an increase in the quantity of yeast already present in the vagina relative to the quantity of normal bacteria. For example, when the normal…
Conditions that may make yeast infections more likely include:・ Pregnancy and other causes of hormone changes. ・ Use of oral contraceptives (birth control pills). ・ Diabetes that isn’t well controlled. High blood sugar can help yeast to mul…
It’s actually not an infection at all… in the sense that infections are usually caused by germs. Yeast overgrowth is really a better term for it. When you have taken antibiotics, sometimes you get a yeast overgrowth because the antibiotic…

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A: Yes, but only if you are drinking milk and eating cheese through your vagina. By definition, allergies can’t cause infections.
What are the causes of chronic/ recurring vaginal yeast infections?
Q: I’ve had chronic/ recurring yeast infections for months. The doctor keeps giving me treatments but they usually go away for a few days and then come back. I’ve heard that you can re-infect yourself. What are some factors that can cause you to re-infect yourself? What are some other causes? I am aware of wearing cotton underwear, keeping clean/dry, not using scented soap, tampons, etc. to prevent them. Are there any other ways to prevent them?
A: Age?Sexually active?What medications have you tried?A few tricks to avoiding those pesky yeast infections.Avoid douching as it can throw off your natural vaginal ph.When bathing try not to wash the vagina internally as it self cleans.Eat more yogurt as most yogurt contains a active culture.If you are sexually active you must be fully treated before engaging in sexual activity.Your partner can actually have a yeast infection too.He may have contracted the yeast infection from you, if so he will need to be treated by a Doctor too. Failure do get him treated will and can cause you to become reinfected.Has your gynecologist tried prescribing Difulcan?Generally Difulcan works by taking only one pill. Hope this helps.
Does Penicillin usually cause vaginal yeast infections?
Q: I usually get a mild yeast infection when I take antibiotics and I’m about to start Penicillin tonight. I’m dreading it because I’m worried about getting the yeast infection. Anyone have something to say on this?Oh and I’m 6 months pregnant by the way.
A: I’m not sure I’d say that antibiotics USUALLY cause vaginal yeast infections. I think I’d prefer to relate that antibiotics CAN or MAY cause yeast infections. That being said, some patients are more prone to getting yeasties than others. Sadly, you sound like you may be “some patients”.I’d suggest that you eat plenty of active culture yogurt during the course of your penicillin treatment. BTW, why are you going on PCN? Answer privately if you prefer.John Jones, M.D.
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