What causes us to itch

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes us to itch”,you can compare them.

Itching can be caused by many conditions.The most common cause of itching is psychological, that is, due to stress, anxiety, etc. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-us-to-itch ]
More Answers to “What causes us to itch
What causes us to itch?
whatever it can be food, drugs ,dirty clothes,dirty thing lay on, fabric softner ,lotions .

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes us to itch when we get bit by a mosquito?
Q: i have always wanted to ask this.
A: the reason we itch, is the same when we get bitten by other insects, its the reaction of the human body fighting an intruder into the body, the itching comes from the white bloody cells, fighting the introduced saliva from the mozzie. Its the natural part of healing, even though it can be annoying.hope this answers your question.
what causes us to itch? for instance, our heads or leg or neck? (this is a serioius question)?
Q: does it have something to do with our cells? What causes us to itch our head, arm, leg etc so much?
A: pollens, etc.
have you ever wondered what causes us to itch?
Q: do you know why we itch?? like the whole “science” behind it?
A: I dont know but it drives me crazy.Like when im driving and all of a sudden the bottom of my foot itches?Well wtf i cant just bend over and scratch it, so i sit there n rub my foot on the floor n twitch n sh*t.ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh… then i feel betttaaa
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