What causes the little red bumps when you shave

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They develop after shaving, when strands of hair curl back on themselves and grow into the skin. Razor bumps cause irritation MORE [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-the-little-red-bumps-when-you-shave ]
More Answers to “What causes the little red bumps when you shave
How can I make the little red bumps caused by shaving go away fas…?
OK, you are going to think this is a total joke, but there is a product you can get in the baby aisle at Target called Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. And it is ama-zing for bikini line razor rash. Exfoliate the area in the shower, apply the butt p…

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How can I make the little red bumps caused by shaving go away faster?
Q: I shaved my bikini area a little resentlyand the little red bumps arent going away fast enough.Theyre probbaly ingrown hairs or somethingor maybe just razor burn.I dont know, but does anyone know a way toget rid of them a little faster?
A: OK, you are going to think this is a total joke, but there is a product you can get in the baby aisle at Target called Boudreaux’s Butt Paste. And it is ama-zing for bikini line razor rash. Exfoliate the area in the shower, apply the butt paste after shower while skin is damp….and red bumps gone in 12 hours. My sister got this paste at her baby shower and one of her friends told her what else it was good for, and she was so so right.
What causes red bumps on your legs?
Q: I just noticed these little red bumps on my shins. I haven’t shaved or used lotion in a few days, so they shouldn’t be razor bumps or an allergy to my lotion. They’re not really itchy unless you pick at them. It’s only on my shins so I didn’t think it was eczema. The weather did get a little colder last night, could that be it? I didn’t change detergent or start using a new soap. Any ideas?
A: leg acnepimplesinternal skin problemsallergic reactionsi get these bumps from my razor from shaving change yours and maybe its from execessive use
What can I do to get rid of small red bumps?!!!!!!???!??!!!????
Q: I have really low self esteem when it comes to my pubic area. I once got tired of having pubes and decides to shave them off. That was my HUGE mistake. When I shaved it caused little red bumps to appear. The damn red bumps still haven’t gone away, and it’s been like 6 months. What should I do!!!!??? I’m afraid that my boyfriend is disgusted by me. He tells me all the time how beautiful i am, but I don’t believe him. How could I be beautiful when I have litttle red bumps between my legs? I want it to be smooth. I’ve even tried growing out my pubes again to cover the red bumps. It didn’t work. What do I do!!!?!??!!!PLEASE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A: I think it sounds normal…not sure what causes it..(if you are speaking of something different from razor burn)..seems to happen when you are younger, but not when older…but if you are worried about it, make an appointment to see the gynecologist , just to be sure.
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