What causes stys

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A sty can be caused by an acute infection from clogged eyelid oil glands, infected hair follicle at eyelash base and by bacteria. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-stys ]
More Answers to “What causes stys
What causes Stys in the Eyes?
nope not contagious i get them all the time they are usually just little infections caused from blocked pours and skin does your daughters friend wear eye makeup? if so it could be from that when i have had them in the past i just got some…
What causes eye stys ?
it could be an ingrown eyelash; or possibly a peice of debri or something that has gotten stuck in a pore, and infected it. go to your local doctor or emergency room; they will be able to give you an ointment of sorts that will help it go a…
How are stys caused?
Stys are caused by the pores in the area that it is in getting clogged with dirt or make up. No it isn’t true that is one of those silly old wives tales :0)

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes stys?
Q: My sister has a problems with stys on her eyes? What causes them and what is the best way to get rid of them?
A: Bacteria sometimes found on skin get in a hair follicle [ eyelash ] or a skin pore. The resulting reaction by your body causes inflammation, redness, and pus.1] use warm wet soaks with paper towels [ very contagious ], four times a day2] wash the eye area with baby shampoo [ tearless ] twice a day. 3] wash hands before and after touching faceTell your sister to keep her hands off her face! Wash face with face wash before bed, always! [ help prevent future sties ]And wash hands, always, before you touch your face.
What causes Stys in the Eyes?
Q: My daughters friend has a Sty ,in her eye but she keeps rubbing and picking at her eye ,Is this Contagious?
A: nope not contagious i get them all the timethey are usually just little infections caused from blocked pours and skindoes your daughters friend wear eye makeup?if so it could be from thatwhen i have had them in the pasti just got some tablets from the docterafter 2 days of taking them the sty was nearly gone!they were penacillin tabletssome people are illergic to that thobut im sure there is other medicationmention it to the girls mother and say she just needs some antibiotics or it will just get worse and that could be bad
what causes eye stys ?
Q: i have a big red sty on my upper lid . it’s very painful . what causes it . it came so sudden .
A: it could be an ingrown eyelash; or possibly a peice of debri or something that has gotten stuck in a pore, and infected it. go to your local doctor or emergency room; they will be able to give you an ointment of sorts that will help it go away faster. if nothing else, they will usually go away on there own after not very long- days or weeks.anyway, i hope that helps!
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