What causes spontaneous human combustion

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It is not a proven natural occurrence, but many theories have attempted to explain SHC’s existence and how it may occur.-MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-spontaneous-human-combustion ]
More Answers to “What causes spontaneous human combustion
Ah, Wikipedia how I love thee. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spontaneous_human_combustion I read through it and I am most convinced by the static theory, whereby a build up of static electricity causes sparks that ignite clothing. Still not …
Spontaneous combustion occurs when an object in the case of spontaneous human combustion, a person bursts into flame from a chemical reaction within, apparently without being ignited by an external heat source. In December 1966, the body of…
Holding in farts duh.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes spontaneous human combustion?
Q: I’m very curious and mystified as to how this can possibly happen. How long does it take? How much of the person is left? Can you give any examples of people it has happened to?I’m also scared by this…it could happen to anyone at any time?! I find that quite frightening.
A: Spontaneous combustion occurs when an object in the case of spontaneous human combustion, a person bursts into flame from a chemical reaction within, apparently without being ignited by an external heat source. In December 1966, the body of 92-year-old Dr. J. Irvin­g Bentley was discovered in his Pennsylvania home by a meter reader. Actually, only part of Dr. Bentley’s leg and slippered foot were found. The rest of his body had been burned to ashes
What exactly causes spontaneous human combustion?
Q: And how often do people Spontaneously combust?
A: There are many hypothesised explanations which account for the various cases of spontaneous human combustion. These generally fall into one of three groups: paranormal explanations (e.g. a ghost or alien caused it), natural explanations that credit some unknown and otherwise unobserved phenomenon (e.g. the production of abnormally concentrated gas or raised levels of blood alcohol cause spontaneous ignition), and natural explanations that involve an external source of ignition (e.g. the victim dropped a cigarette).Objections to natural explanations usually revolve around the degree of burning of the body with respect to its surroundings. Indeed, one of the common markers of a case of SHC is that the body – or part of it – has suffered an extraordinarily large degree of burning, with surroundings or lower limbs comparatively undamaged.
what causes spontaneous human combustion? What is the scientific response over it?
Q: With spontaneous human combustion a person can just burst into flames for aparent reason. There whole body burns except there feet. How weird???????With spontaneous human combustion a person can just burst into flames for no aparent reason. There whole body burns except there feet. How weird???????
A: There has been no REAl proof that sponatneous human conbustion does exist but i cname across this actircle….Spontaneous human combustion (SHC) is the alleged burning of a person’s body without a readily apparent, identifiable external source of ignition. The combustion may result in simple burns and blisters to the skin, smoking, or a complete incineration of the body. The latter is the form most often ‘recognized’ as SHC. There is much speculation and controversy over SHC. It is not a proven natural occurrence, but many theories have attempted to explain SHC’s existence and how it may occur. The two most common explanations offered to account for apparent SHC are the non-spontaneous “wick effect” fire, and the rare discharge called static flash fires. Although mathematically it can be shown that the human body contains enough energy stored in the form of fat and other tissues to consume it completely, in normal circumstances bodies will not sustain a flame on their own.
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