What causes scabies

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Scabies is a very itchy skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin and it spreads by close contact. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-scabies ]
More Answers to “What causes scabies
Scabies mites are very fastidious. They can only live off of a host body for 24 to 36 hours under most conditions. Transmission of the mites involves close person-to-person contact of the skin-to-skin variety. It is hard, if not impossible,…
Scabies is spread by having close contact with the body of or items used by a person with scabies. This includes having sex with a person, sleeping in the same bed, or sharing towels or clothing. Scabies spreads quickly and must be treated …
Risk factors for Scabies: see risk factors for Scabies

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

scabies what causes it?
A: Causesof scabies are mites………………….The mite that causes scabies in humans is microscopic. The female mite burrows just beneath your skin and produces a tunnel in which it deposits eggs. The eggs mature in 21 days, and the new mites work their way to the surface of your skin, where they mature and can spread to other areas of your skin or to the skin of other people. The itching of scabies results from your body’s allergic reaction to the mites, their eggs and their waste. Close physical contact and, less often, sharing clothing or bedding with an infected person can spread the mites. Dogs, cats and humans all are affected by their own distinct species of mite. Each species of mite prefers one specific type of host and doesn’t live long away from that preferred host. So humans may have a temporary skin reaction from contact with the animal scabies mite. But people are unlikely to develop full-blown scabies from this source, as they might from contact with the human scabies mite. PreventionTo prevent re-infestation and to prevent the mites from spreading to other people, take these steps: Clean all clothes and linen. Use hot, soapy water to wash all clothing, towels and bedding you used at least two days before treatment. Dry with high heat. Dry-clean items you can’t wash at home. Starve the mites. Consider placing items you can’t wash in a sealed plastic bag and leaving it in an out-of-the-way place, such as in your garage, for a couple of weeks. Mites die if they don’t eat for a week. you got me itching all over now…
Where do scabies come from? How do you get them? What causes them? Do alot of people get them?
A: Scabies does NOT mean your dirty.What is scabies?Scabies is a very itchy skin condition caused by tiny mites that burrow into your skin.Scabies can affect people of all ages and from all incomes and social levels. Even people who keep themselves very clean can get scabies.How is scabies spread?Scabies mites spread by close contact with someone who has scabies. Scabies can also be spread by sharing towels, bed sheets, and other personal belongings. Scabies often affects several family members at the same time. You can spread it to another person before you have symptoms.What are the symptoms?Scabies causes severe itching that is usually worse at night. Small children and older adults tend to have the worst itching. Children typically have worse skin reactions.If this is the first time you have had scabies, it may be several weeks before you have itching and skin sores. But if you have had it before, symptoms will probably start in a few days.How is scabies diagnosed?A doctor can usually diagnose scabies based on your symptoms. Scabies is especially likely if you have had close contact with other people who have had similar symptoms. Sometimes a doctor confirms a diagnosis by looking for signs of mites on a sample of your skin. The doctor gently scrapes some dry skin from an affected area and then looks at it under a microscope. This test is not painful for most people.How is it treated?Scabies will not go away on its own. You need to use a special cream or lotion that a doctor prescribes. In severe cases, your doctor may also give you pills to take.Some scabies medicines are not safe for children, older adults, and women who are pregnant or breast-feeding. To avoid dangerous side effects, be sure to follow your doctor’s instructions carefully. If you have scabies, you and anyone you have close contact with must all be treated at once. This keeps the mites from being passed back and forth from person to person. You must also carefully wash all clothes, towels, and bedding.After treatment, the itching usually lasts another 2 to 4 weeks. It will take your body that long to get over the allergic reaction caused by the mites. If you still have symptoms after 4 weeks, you may need another treatment.
How can I get rid of the mite that causes mange in dogs and scabies in humans.My family has them.?
A: The mite that causes mange in dogs is called sarcoptic mange. It can be contagious to humans. To get rid of it in dogs you have to take your dog to the veterinarian. There is a medication called Ivermectin that is usually given. It can be given as an injection or as an oral liquid medication. In humans it is consider “self limiting” meaning it usually will go away before getting worse. How long it takes to go away depends on your own immune system. The average is three to six weeks. You should definitely have your family see your physician for treatment options. In the meanwhile to prevent further infection from your dog make sure you have your dog treated and make sure people are washing their hands when handling the dog
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