What causes pleurisy

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes pleurisy”,you can compare them.

There are many potential causes of pleurisy, including bacterial infections, autoimmune disorders,lung cancer, or blood clots. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-pleurisy ]
More Answers to “What causes pleurisy
SEE: http://www.answers.com/topic/pleurisy Causes & Symptoms A variety of conditions can give rise to pleurisy. The following represent the most common sources of pleural inflammation: ・ infections, including pneumonia, http://www.answ…
Pleurisy may result from a number of causes. It can develop from infections, such as pneumonia. It also can be a result of injury from an accident or chest surgery. Sometimes, pleurisy is a complication of another disease, like lung cancer*…
Infection, trauma, gastrointestinal disease, lung infection, cancer, inhaling chemicals, various tumors, obstruction of lymph vessels. I wouldn’t worry about it unless you have a fever, a very sharp pain, a cough or shortness of breath. You…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

I was told in the ER that i have Pleurisy, what causes this?
Q: I was sent home and told to take aspirin for a couple of days and thats it, but the ER doc was in a hurry and didnt tell me what causes Pluerisy, can this ever become a serious thing? i am a 20yr old female from wisconsin.
A: Ouch. Your lungs have an outer lining, and the inner chest wall has a lining. Normally these linings are smooth; inflammation can cause them to rub together. This causes painful breathing.Pleurisy can be caused by a viral infection. It can also be idiopathic (no known cause). Usually the symptoms are treated (with anti-inflammatory medications such as aspirin, Motrin, or Aleve) and the pleurisy resolves (goes away).Read more about pleurisy athttp://www.mayoclinic.com/health/pleurisy/DS00244http://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/understanding-pleurisy-basicshttp://www.webmd.com/a-to-z-guides/pleurisy-overview
What causes pleurisy?
Q: I was diagnose with pleurisy about 2 weeks ago. I read all the things that can cause it, but can it be caused by nothing? When I asked about it the doctor said I was just unlucky. I am alittle worried because I was reading up on lupus and have a lot of the symptoms. What kind of test can check for lupus and would it come out in a CBC? Also does anyone know how long the pleurisy usually lasts? I’m kind of clueless about all this and appreciate your answers.I have read all the causes, but I have had none and still I have pleurisy, has anyone else?
A: Inflammation of the lining of the chest cavity. It is caused by any infectious agent, trauma. or allergy. Yes, it can be autoimmune related so yes Lupus could be the cause. Get a blood test called IGE test which checks for antibodies that target normal tissue. Good luck!
Know anything about Pleurisy and other causes of resperatory issues?
Q: OKay, so in november I ended up in the Emergancy room because i was having a lot of chest pain/difficulty breathing, I was told that i had a bad chest infection, was givin a z-pack and sent home, a week later exactly 7 days to be exact, i was back again, only this time it was worse, I couldnt say more than 4 words without being completly out of breath, Never had any breathing reperatory issues other than a dry cough that refuses to go away. They then told me i had pleurisy. Well In Febuary I started having breathing problems again, and very very very high heart rates and blood pressure, like heart rates of 160+ Im 22. I have been given echocardiograms, ekgs, numerous chest x-rays 3 mris, and 2 catscans, everything comes back perfectly normal except my white blood count is around 11. Nothing they give me will make the “infection” go away or the problems stop. ANyone have any idea what it could possibly be?
A: http://www.lung.ca/diseases-maladies/a-z/pleurisy-pleuresie/index_e.phpyour difficulties could be a result of having had pleurisy, the attached site will explain. Good luck to you.
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