What causes people to get hiccups

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Many things can cause hiccups including: spicy food, carbonated beverages, large meals, alcohol, and sudden temperature changes. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-people-to-get-hiccups ]
More Answers to “What causes people to get hiccups
What causes people to get hiccups?
Hiccups are due to spasm of the diaphragm
Why do people get hiccups? What causes them?
Hiccups are a result of spasms of the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the dome-shaped respiratory muscle seperating the chest from the abdomen. It aids in breathing by moving up and down, sending air in and out of the lungs. Find a picture to g…
Why do people hiccup? like what are they caused by? how can you g…?
hiccups are diaphragm spasms, caused when you are breathing irregularly, like laughing really hard or drinking to quickly. your breathing isn’t regulated. take deep breaths in and out very slowly until they stop. it might take a minute, but…

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What causes hiccups? What are some cures for the hiccups, and how do the cures of the hiccups stop them?
Q: I have the hiccups now, and I was curious as to what causes the hiccups, what are the cures for the hiccups, and how do these cures prevent the hiccups? Thanks
A: Nobody is really sure what causes hiccups. Some scientists believe hiccuping is the last vestige of a primitive reflex that at one time served some useful purpose, but not anymore. What causes it? The explanations are nearly endless, but most experts start their lists of hiccup sins with eating too fast and swallowing too much air. It seems a good place to start.Here are a few remedies for hiccups:Doctor Dubois’ surefire sugar cure. One cure that I find effective is a teaspoon of sugar, swallowed dry,That quite often stops the hiccups in minutes. The sugar is probably acting in the mouth to modify the nervous impulses that would otherwise tell the muscles in the diaphragm to contract spasmodically,The half-minute hiccup helper. Dawn Horvath can diagnose digestive disturbances with great dexterity. She’s a researcher just like Dreisbach, and that profession seems to know no end of alimentary ailments.Half-minute hiccup helper goes like this: Fill a Dixie cup with water and place it on the counter, then press your index finger in your ears. Bend over at the waist and pick up the cup with the pinky finger and thumb of each hand and, while holding your breath, drink the water down in one or two gulps.The Paperbag. It’s in the technique,You have to blow in and out exactly ten times, and you have to do it really hard until you’re red in the face. You also have to do it fast, and you have to form a good seal around your mouth with the bag so that no air gets in. If you follow those directions exactly, the bag will work every time.
What causes hiccups – and whats ur method to get rid of them?
Q: What causes hiccups?? – I know yawning is caused by lack of oxygen but what about hiccups? And whats ur method getting rid of them???
A: The part to blame is your diaphragm (say: die-uh-fram). This is a dome-shaped muscle at the bottom of your chest, and all hiccups start here.The diaphragm almost always works perfectly. When you inhale, it pulls down to help pull air into the lungs. When you exhale, it pushes up to help push air out of the lungs. But sometimes the diaphragm becomes irritated. When this happens, it pulls down in a jerky way, which makes you suck air into your throat suddenly. When the air rushing in hits your voice box, you’re left with a big hiccup.Some things that irritate the diaphragm are eating too quickly or too much, an irritation in the stomach or the throat, or feeling nervous or excited. Almost all cases of the hiccups last only a few minutes. Some cases of the hiccups can last for days or weeks, but this is very unusual and it’s usually a sign of another medical problem.You’ve probably heard lots of suggestions for how to get rid of hiccups, and maybe you’ve even tried a few. Holding your breath and counting to 10 is one way some people can get rid of their hiccups. Other people say that drinking from the “wrong” side of a glass of water is the way to become hiccup-free.Putting sugar under your tongue might work, too. And maybe the most famous treatment — having someone jump out and scare you when you’re not expecting it — helps some people wave goodbye to their hiccups
What causes hiccups and how do you get rid of them?
Q: I have the hiccups right now and they are so annoying! What are “hiccups” and how do you get rid of them? Please… 🙂
A: Hiccups are caused by your diaphragm spasming. It’s a muscle that helps control your breathing. It’s important to singers and actors. There are many things that cause the spasm. All the solutions and cures for the hiccups have the same end result, to calm your diaphragm. Holding your breath, drinking water, dissolving sugar on your tongue. They cause you to focus on something else and the muscle will relax itself. They are extremely annoying, if I have the hiccups for more than like 4 min, I get a really bad headache ( probably due to lack of oxygen). You can try any of the hundreds of suggestions, they will all work. Mainly, just relax.
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