What causes mouth sores

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes mouth sores”,you can compare them.

Mouth Sores, or oral mucostis is caused by certain treatments for cancer. Also, mouth sores, aka canker sores’ cause is unknown. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-mouth-sores ]
More Answers to “What causes mouth sores
Almost half of all cancer patients on chemotherapy, and almost all who have radiation to the head or neck experience mouth discomfort as a side effect of treatment. Chemotherapy medications work on rapidly-dividing cells, like cancer cells …
Chemotherapy and radiation therapy work on rapidly dividing cells, such as cancer cells. They also attack other cells in the body, including those forming the lining of the mouth and throat. As mouth cells die from the treatment, open sor…
What Causes Mouth Sores? Many people suffer from some type of mouth sore–whether it’s an aphthous ulcer, commonly called a canker sore, a bite on your tongue or cheek, wearing braces or loose dentures* or a sore from eating spicy or sharp …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes mouth sores?
Q: I have these sores that will pop up in my mouth and/or tongue and I don’t know why. I’ve never had oral sex, I brush and floss regularly, and I just don’t know why they keep coming back. The sores are generally only here for one night or so.Can anyone help me out?
A: It is caused by a virus, that anyone can have, even if you never had sex. It is related to your immune system, not brushing or flossing.
What are the causes of mouth sores (singaw)? Is this a sign of an underlying medical condition?
A: most are herpes simplex, others can be signs of other problems, see your doctor.
What STD causes mouth ulcers or sores in the mouth?
Q: There is a sore place in the roof of my mouth, towards the back. I don’t know what it could be from, but I am sexually active.I am female, and my last sex partner was male. Last time was 1 month ago, we had oral.
A: they’re probably just canker sores. they’re caused by normal bacteria and aren’t contagious or anything. it’s kind of like if you cut your finger and it gets slightly infected so it takes longer to heal–basically the same idea. just brush your teeth more and try a mouthwash to reduce the amount of bacteria in your mouth, they should heal a bit faster and not happen so often.
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