What causes mouth cancer

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All forms of smoking can lead to mouth cancer. Other risk factors are alcohol, and Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-mouth-cancer ]
More Answers to “What causes mouth cancer
As with many other forms of cancer, the risk of mouth cancer is greater for those who abuse alcohol or nicotine products. Nicotine products include not only cigarettes, but cigars, pipes and chewing tobacco as well. Spending too much time i…
Dr. Futran. The age of patients is
Most cases of mouth cancer are linked to tobacco and alcohol. Cigarette, cigar and pipe smoking are the main forms of tobacco use in the UK. However, the traditional ethnic habits of chewing tobacco, betel quid, gutkha and paan are particul…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Is it true that mouthwash containing alcohol causes mouth cancer?
Q: Late last year a study from the University of Melbourne dental school reported that mouthwash containing alcohol/ethanol greatly increases the risk of mouth cancer. Has this been found to be correct, or is more research needed?…and should I use only alchol-free mouthwash?
A: It does burn your tissues. There are many alcohol free mouth washes out there and they are much easier to rinse with as they don’t burn! It’s been a thought for a long time, and who can honestly stand to rinse the with listerine for the full minute without diluting it first!oral Bcrest pro-health
What are some of the causes of mouth cancer in men ages 20 through 25 ?
Q: My father died of mouth cancer 9 years ago. He smoked but the doctors said he was to young to have this cancer by smoking, he was 25 when he died. I would like a doctors or a nurses thought or appinion, but anyone can answer.please give me answers 🙁
A: smoking, chewing tobacco, drinking (believe it or not, I believe its more than 5 drinks per week can put you at greater risk for head and neck cancer..which includes the mouth). I don’t think that’s necessarily true that he was “too young” to have the cancer be caused by smoking…when did he start smoking was he a drinker too? So much more information is out there about cancer than even 9 years ago…try to go to the american cancer society website as well…they have a lot of useful information there!!
What is it in cigars that causes mouth cancer?
Q: So I know that the proper way to smoke a cigar is by only bringing it into the mouth and not the lungs (anyone who has smoked a cigar by bringing the smoke into the lungs would quickly know what kind of a mistake that is). What I am wondering is what is it that causes the mouth cancer? It’s rather common knowledge that the nicotine causes cancer, but it there anything else in the smoke that would cause it. would the smoke itself cause it?For the sake of simplicity, lets assume that the cigar has pure tobacco with no chemicals added, ceteris paribus. I’m looking for an experts opinion on this please.
A: I look at it this way. Anything that’s not supposed to be in your mouth is harmful. The answer to your question would be yes the smoke may be able to cause cancer. First you have to have a clear understanding of what cancer is. Basically it’s when a cell’s genetic code becomes messed up and oncogenes go crazy causing harmful cells to multiply infinitely building up to cause cacerous tissues (tumors) that can lead to death. If anything messes with the cells and their genetic codes, it can cause cancer. I’m assuming that smoke coming in direct contact with millions of cells in your mouth has the ability to alter their genes possibly causing cancer. Hope this helped!
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