What causes morning sickness

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Womens Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes morning sickness”,you can compare them.

No one knows for sure what causes morning sickness, but it’s probably a combination of the many changes taking place in your body. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-morning-sickness ]
More Answers to “What causes morning sickness
You typically get morning sickness because your body is adjusting to the rising hormones. Once your hormones stabilize, around the second trimester, your body get used to them and your morning sickness fades.
The exact cause of morning sickness is unknown but contributing factors are: Hormones – Morning sickness can be linked to two hormones, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) and estrogen, which trigger the nausea and vomiting. Increased sense …
Some experts think that it results from elevated hormone levels. One theory is that increased levels of estrogen and a hormone called hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), which is produced by the placenta, appears to cause nausea. In fact,…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes morning sickness in pregnancy?
Q: I have had four healthy pregnancies and gave birth at age 18, 19, 20 and 21. I never experienced a day of morning sickness. Now, at age 38, I am wondering if I become pregnant, if will I go through this?
A: The hormone HCG which is produced when the embryo implants into the uterin wall is what makes you sick. This hormone doubles every 48 hours which for some people is hard on their body (and their stomachs). Just because you had 4 pregnancies with no sickness does not mean you will have a 5th just like it, or vice versa.
What causes morning sickness and nausea that ISNT pregnancy?
Q: I am def. not pregnant. I just feel really sick every morning and there is a little pain between my ribs below my breasts. This has been going on about 11 months.
A: I used to have morning sickness every single day. It was caused by a stomach acid problem that may or may not go away by itself. The pain between the ribs may be muscle soreness on the inside of your rib cage because you’re body’s trying to neutralize an excess of acid.
What, apart from pregnancy, causes morning sickness?
Q: For the last few days I’ve been waking up about an hour earlier than usual feeling very sick. I’ve not actually been sick yet, and the feeling wears off by mid-morning. I’m not pregnant or anything.What could this be?
A: Anxiety makes you feel sick in the morning and clears up in the middle of the day
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