What causes eyes to dialate

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The more light the pupil of the eye is subject to, the more it will dilate, the smaller it will become. Less light, larger pupil. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-eyes-to-dialate ]
More Answers to “What causes eyes to dialate
What drugs cause your eyes to dialate. prescription drugs??
diazapam makes your eyes dilate not that u will notice when u are completely conked for 12 hours n any opoids like zomorph oramorph or jus basic morphine also tramadol but its not used in all trusts now cause side effects are bad if thats a…
WHY do certain drugs cause your eyes to dialate?
Amphetamines and similar drugs stimulate the central nervous system (CNS). A symptom of CNS agonism is pupil dilation (fight or flight response) Increased or altered serotonin levels in certain areas can also cause pupil dilation. This is w…

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what causes your eyes to dialate while watching blue ray movies?
A: The blue rays that come out of your tv and laser your eyes when you are not looking. That’s way I try to avoid those blue ray movies. Pretty sneaky, you know…(i’m kidding by the way)
WHY do certain drugs cause your eyes to dialate?
Q: Usually stuff like speed, right? But I want to know why.
A: Amphetamines and similar drugs stimulate the central nervous system (CNS).A symptom of CNS agonism is pupil dilation (fight or flight response)Increased or altered serotonin levels in certain areas can also cause pupil dilation. This is why serotonergic drugs (LSD, MDMA) can dilate pupils as well
Do eye drops cause your eyes to dialate?
A: If you’re talking about drops like Visine, the answer is actually yes. If the drops have an antihistamine in them, dilation can be one of the side effects. If you’re wondering if the drops your using have that side effect, check the box or insert – it should say.
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