What causes ear infections

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes ear infections”,you can compare them.

Ear infections are caused by water or bacteria that enters the ear canal. They can be very painful and need antibiotics. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-ear-infections ]
More Answers to “What causes ear infections
Ear infections can be caused by water getting caught in the ear canal, not properly drying the ears out constantly can cause a build up. Certain fluids getting caught in the ear could also be probable. It is said that a breast fed baby is n…
A stopped up ear can be treated with antibiotic drops, but other methods can help the process, such as yawning, chewing gum or anything else that opens up Eustachian tubes. Find out why Q-tips…
You may get an ear infection when your eustachian (u-STAY-shun) tubes become swollen or blocked. Eustachian tubes are tiny tubes that connect the middle ear to the back of the nose and throat. Eustachian tubes drain fluid away from the midd…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

how come they say that breastfeeding while laying down causes ear infections and also while bottle feeding ?
Q: laying down causes ear infections, but then sometimes people say that that brestfeeding while laying down wont cause ear infection? what is it? does it or dont it?
A: I’m not sure but maybe when you breast feed it comes out at a better rate than a bottle would. I breast feed laying down all the time and *knock on wood* she has never had an ear infection. Maybe the bottle drips too fast for the baby so it drips down the face into the ear canal.
do you think that milk causes ear infections?
Q: My son is 2 and has had four or five ear infections since he was born. We just switched to soy milk to see if that will make a difference. He’s been drinking it for 1 1/2 weeks, and he hasn’t been pulling at his ears to indicate there is any pain.
A: Congratulations. Looks like you figured it out yourself. Different people react differently to milk. Some get allergic reactions. Some are milk intolerant. Sometimes milk doesn’t directly cause ear infections, but may cause other effects such as mucus buildup, sinus congestion, or allergic reactions. But the worse effect is to affect your son’s immunity response such that your son’s immune system is not strong enough to fight the ear infection. But it looks like the switch to soy milk did the job. For now anyway…..
What causes ear infections on box turtles?
Q: I know it’s swelling from conseated puss pushing on the membrane of the ear, but how did it get there in the first place? What happens? How did the turtle get sick?
A: Some of the causes for ear abcesses are low grade respiratory infections that the turtle has had for a while, dirty water, poor diet, incorrect temp and/or low Vitamin A. The abcesses need to be lanced and the pus removed. Unfortunately, this usually leaves a gaping hole that you will need to flush daily. Some people perform the lancings themselves, but I’d use a herp Vet. You will also need to give the turtle antibiotics. Good Luck!
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