What causes dreams

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Biology Health .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes dreams”,you can compare them.

One cause of dreams is to give balance to the events that happen during the day and also mechanisms to develop creative solutions. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-dreams ]
More Answers to “What causes dreams
Causes of Dreams The causes of our dreams are merely theories and educated reasoning. The brain, especially the subconscious, is so advanced and detailed that we have yet to find many things out. There are even interactions within the brain…
Dreams happened for a number of reasons, sometimes people have bad or weird dreams if they go to sleep too soon after eating a meal, sometimes its the result of having something on your mind while your sleeping be it subconsciously or flat …
Now you are asking! Nobody knows, that is the answer. The ancients thought sleep was a messenger from the gods talking to them, prophesying all sorts. The Trobriand islanders think that sleep is a female demon who makes love to men while sl…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What is your favourite explanation for what causes dreams?
Q: I was told once that eating cheese close to bedtime would produce nightmares.What are the causes that you’ve heard for dreams or nightmares.
A: IMHO dreams/nightmares are caused by everything (meaning stress, anger, joy, etc) and when the time of dream state happens certain things that you have done throughout the day/week/month/life-time reflect what that dream will be. Dreams are chapters in a book, a book that is not properly in order and that chapter may repeat itself or may never come to be published. If one could understand the workings of the brain then dreams and how/why may be better explained. Example (but real): when I was going school I hated it and was one to skip, break rules, etc. I eventually dropped out and eventually got a GED… ok now for the dreams for yrs. I would have basically the same dream, me in school always getting into trouble (same dream over and over) well one time after getting tired of it I decided to do something whil in the dream, I quit, not only cause I was tired of the BS but in the dream I already had a diploma so why was I there…. ok lol TMI another dream (or premonition) sisters boyfriend over one night helped her do dishes, he got a plate stuck in a pot no one could get it out, that night dreamed of breaking plate and underneath another plate, broke that and another and another… needless to say when I awoke I to a hammer tapped the plate hard enough to break it and sure enough another plate was under it and that plate was able to come out with ease – Dreams are strange I could probably do a web site on my dreams and meaning alone – more of insight then an answer – good luck
Why do we have dreams? What causes dreams? What causes what we dream about? ?
Q: I have had a lot of dreams. Some eventually come true, some are merely dreams. However for about the past year or so I have been having similar dreams, every so often. I just want to know is there something in our lives that causes us to dream. Are dreams really meant to tell us something, like it has to do with how we feel or is it just that a dream, fantasy, whatever. Thanks for any help. If you could cite your source or let me know if it is an opinion. Thanks!!
A: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DreamJust read that it has mostly everything you want to know.From my own knowledge I know that beyond the scientific explanations for dreams, they often take much more depth in a persons life. Dreams= subconscious, and if you pay close attention they can tell you things about yourself that you don’t even know about (Your probably like “well if I don’t know things about myself, my dreams certainly don’t!”) but humans are actually very unaware of things, and dreams are extremely aware. They often mirror things that are effecting you in life, fulfill a specific desire, or (due to television/stories) are just replaying things in your mind. Over time intelligent and instinctive cultures have developed a large list of what thinks symbolize in dreams. Its very dictionary-like, and after deep incite are very accurate. Its a mystery how they did this, but so are dreams. hope that helped :Dbyee
What sleep are you in, when you dream? What causes dreams versus nightmares?
Q: I have notice that i have been having more dreams, lately. For the past 2 months, i’ve been either dreaming or having nightmares, every night. It was period of time, that i never dreamed or had nightmares. What causes this?
A: You dream in the REM stage of sleep.As for nightmares:”Why do people have nightmares? Reasons vary. There’s no single cause of nightmares and hence no single way of stopping them. Sometimes physical factors can be involved, such as illness and/or medication. Sometimes a nightmare reflects some unusual stress or trauma in the waking world. Sometimes it is just a result of small, niggling worries that have been ignored for too long.”http://www.here-be-dreams.com/nightmares.html
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