What causes dimples

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment Style Beauty .We found some answers as below for this question “What causes dimples”,you can compare them.

Most dimples are actually caused by a birth defect. The most common cause of dimples is a shortened muscle in the face. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-dimples ]
More Answers to “What causes dimples
The presence of dimples is a genetic trait. This is in fact a dominant trait. The reason why people with dimples is less often encountered in a population inspite of its dominant lies in the fact that dimples are not harmful to the individu…
If you sport those charming creases on either side of your lips every time you crack a smile, you have one little gene (and your parents, of course) to thank. Each physical trait you possess is represented by a pair of genes — one each fro…
Dimples are the visible indentations in facial skin that are either permanently present on cheeks or chin, or appear temporarily while a person speaks or smiles. Dimples are one of the most dominant facial traits. Generally, …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes dimples and why do only some people have them?
Q: My six month old nephew is the only one in my family with dimples. What causes them and why?
A: Dimples are caused by a shortening of muscle tissue in the face.Simply put when you smile the muscle in your cheek doesn’t stretch all the way.Why? It’s genetic. You get dimples from mom or dad.Bet your nephew is a real cutie.
What causes dimples in the cheeks?
Q: Everyone loves a good, dimply smile. What causes dimples in the cheek? Is it bone structure? Jaw muscles? What?
A: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DimpleWhen i was in Nursing school teacher said they are actually considered an inherited birth defect of the muscle! Cute birth defect though!
When do so many people say that sex during pregnancy causes dimples?
Q: If it did every one in my family would have dimples……so why do people tell other people that it does cause themi know it isnt true but why do people say it
A: theres no reality to this tale
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