What causes a chill

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Other than when you’re simply chilly, a chill is most likely to be your body’s signal that a fever is on the way. Want more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-a-chill ]
More Answers to “What causes a chill
What causes chills……..?
Chills refers to feeling cold after an exposure to a cold environment. The word can also refer to an episode of shivering, accompanied by paleness and feeling cold. Alternative Names Rigors; Shivering Shivers down your spine, is just a phys…
What causes fever?
A fever is a symptom, not a disease. Fever can be a sign that the body is fighting an infection. Fever may occur with viral or bacterial infections such as ear infections, the flu, severe colds, sore throats, pneumonia, stomach viruses, or …
Can Dehydration Cause Fever And Chills
Cause Fever And Chills ? Yes it sure can and you need to get some fluids in you right away. www.blurtit.com/q129882.html –

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes the chill that I get when I feel cold?
Q: What causes the chill that I get when I feel cold? Is it the release of a certain hormone?
A: When you chill you are losing heat rapidly. That’s why you feel colder when the wind is blowing on a cold day compared to still cold air. That’s why it’s called the wind chill. Anything that takes heat from your body quickly, water, air, cold metal, etc, will cause a chill. You get goose bumps because the hair on your skin rises to keep a layer of air next to your skin to prevent too much heat loss. Your blood vessels also constrict to prevent heat from escaping through the skin. It’s all an auto response from the nervous system when it senses a quick drop in body temp.
What causes chill to go down your spine??(in the literal sense, not the figure of speech)?
Q: Whenever I see this girl I get chills down my spine, what does this mean?
A: simply…………love
What are the probable causes for high chill water supply temperature in a central air conditioning system?
Q: The temperature of chiller water leaving form our central chiller system is about 8 degrees C. Is this acceptable. How can we further reduce this leaving temperature?
A: Yes you can to 6.7 c 44 f it can help you.
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