What causes a charlie-horse

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Hormonal imbalances, dehydration, low levels of potassium or calcium in the blood, side effects of medication, etc. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-causes-a-charlie%26%2345%3Bhorse ]
More Answers to “What causes a charlie-horse
There are 2 reasons for charlie horses in your calf muscles. One is dehydration, you are not drinking enough fluids. Drink more water, and drink it cold because it gets to your muscles faster when it is cold. The other reason is low potassi…
Lack of potassium is the biggest cause of charlie horse.  If you make sure you eat bananas which are full of potassium, also dark green vegetables or take a potassium supplement. It can also be lack of calcium, so make sure you are eating d…
A charlie horse can be a symptom for many different things. It can be caused by deficiencies of such things as magnesium or potassium. You can even also get a charlie horse by being struck suddenly.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What causes a Charlie Horse and how to prevent it?
Q: Once in a blue moon I get what my mother says is a Charlie Horse. It’s an EXCRUCIATING pain in my calf muscle that I only get while sleeping. Just the other night I was awoken in the middle of my sleep with this pain. It hurts so freaking badly. So what causes a Charlie Horse? Also, how can I prevent it?
A: A charlie horse is a cramp in a muscle. Basically, a group of muscle cells decides that they are going to contract, so, just like flexing a bicep, they all tighten up. This can be caused by lack of movement- if your leg lays in the same position for too long, or by a dietary lack, usually in potassium. You can help prevent it by gently stretching and massaging your calves before you go to sleep and by eating a banana at bedtime.Edit: oh, and also, drink water too. This will help your mescle cells from becoming dehydrated and contracting spontaneously.
What causes a charlie horse and WHY does it hurt so much? ?
Q: I woke up out of a peaceful sleep with a charlie horse in my calf and now my leg is sore. What causes this and how can I get some relief?
A: Common causes include dehydration, too much caffeine or too much booze as well as a deficiency of potassium (bananas), calcium (dairy products), magnesium (nuts) or vitamin B6 (dairy products).
What causes ‘charlie horse’ in legs and how can I prevent it!?
Q: Of course I know it has something to do with being 8 months pregnant but Its soooo horrible!!! I only get it when I am waking up in the morning and sometimes it lasts only a few seconds to a minute! What causes it … I know ‘unpregnant’ people get it too …and how can I prevent it?
A: Take calcium supplements and stretch your calf muscles before you sleep and when you wake up each morning. Hope this helps!
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