What cause muscle spasms

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In tetany, all of the nerve cells in the body are activated, which then stimulate the muscles. This reaction causes spasms…more? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-cause-muscle-spasms ]
More Answers to “What cause muscle spasms
There are a variety of causes of muscle spasms, and each cause depends on certain predisposing factors and anatomic areas of involvement. Spasms can occur when a muscle is overused and tired, particularly if it is overstretched or if it has…
A depletion of electrolytes and minerals most commonly potassium, calcium, and magnesium and/or dehydration can cause cramps. Try adding foods rich with potassium and magnesium to your diet such as bananas, halibut, oatmeal etc. Stay well h…
Muscle spasms occur when abnormal activity in the muscle triggers involuntary muscle contractions. The contractions occur when electrical signals to the brain affect nerve cells called motor neurons, which are located in the spinal cord. Th…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can drinking too much caffeine cause muscle spasms?
Q: I haven’t had a muscle spasm in my back in a VERY long time. Today, I’ve had four cups of regular coffee (I usually drink decaf and haven’t had this much caffeine in months), and I’m getting muscle spasms in my back. I’m curious if the two are connected…Thanks!
A: Three common causes of spasms, twitching and cramps are dehydration, too much caffeine or too much booze so it is certainly possible that your high caffeine intake has caused the spasms. The spasms could also be due to other causes such as a deficiency of potassium, calcium, magnesium or vitamin B6.
Would an ear infection & low calcium count cause muscle spasms or seizures in my dog?
Q: My dog had an ear infection periodically since a pup.
A: http://diaglab.vet.cornell.edu/clinpath/modules/chem/hypocalc.htmHypocalcemia will cause muscle spasms and seizures,most commonly in nursing moms but the above lists other causes for a low calcium
What is the vitamin deficiency that would cause muscle spasms?
A: Probably magnesium.
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