What can you do to help fall asleep

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Things that will help you to fall asleep are to sleep in a comfortable bed, drink a glass of warm milk, and do some light reading. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-do-to-help-fall-asleep ]
More Answers to “What can you do to help fall asleep
What to do to help fall asleep?
Melatonin. It gets your body to a healthy internal clock schedule. It also relaxes your body and influences it to fall asleep when you choose to. Take it 5 mins before you go to bed. It works wonders. Also try hot milk before you go to bed….
How to Help a Baby Fall Asleep
・ 1 Draw your baby a lukewarm bath, making sure that his/her favorite bath toy has been included. ・ 2 Place the essential oils into the bath , allowing them to scent the water. The bath water will automatically… ・ 3 Smile at your baby and…
How to Help Children Fall Asleep
・ 1 Tell your children that bedtime is coming soon. Let them know bedtime will be in a few minutes. It’s… ・ 2 After bedtime is announced, let your children play for a little while before you announce bedtime again… ・ 3 One your children…

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A: I usually will get up and take some Night Quill or tylonal pm……don’t do this every night of course it is bad for liver……and make sure you are taking the right dosage….READ THE LABEL PLEASE AND BE SAFE…..It will make you very sleepy and u will even be too tired to dream…OOOhhh I just thought of something else i do…..put it on the most boring channel you can find on tv,,,,,like for me its ESPN or any sports channel……you will be asleep in no time…put it on a old channel with black and white movies….Hope I helped….I hate those nights when you toss and turn and have nightmares……
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