What can you do to get rid of clamy hands

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Some things to get rid of clammy hands are: put an anti-perspirant on them, use talcum powder, and carry a towel. Consult a dr. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-do-to-get-rid-of-clamy-hands ]
More Answers to “What can you do to get rid of clamy hands
How do you get rid of clamy hands?
A meat clever, Perhaps? Seriously: Clammy hands, also called hyperhidrosis, are caused by overactive nerves that send signals to your sweat glands in the skin in the sympathetic nervous system…It happens to everyone when we get hot, emba…
How Do U Get Rid Of Clamy Hands?
If you always have clammy hands, you might also have sweaty feat and underarms. this is a condition called Hyperhydrosis. I use an extra strength antiperspirant called Maxim. My hands used to be so wet, they would leave moisture on any surf…
How can i get rid of my clammy hands?
Clammy hands come from stress and anxiety. Just calm down and breathe.. It wil go away, your excitement level jumps up when holding hands, just try to keep it together.

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A: Certain Dry is an antiperspirant that works great. It has prescription strength but sold over the counter. I have been using it for a while and don’t sweat under my armpits anymore. You can get it ant any local pharmacy or supermarket. I recommend it a lot!!
how do you get rid of clamy hands?
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A: cut them off?
How Do U Get Rid Of Clamy Hands?
A: If you always have clammy hands, you might also have sweaty feat and underarms. this is a condition called Hyperhydrosis. I use an extra strength antiperspirant called Maxim. My hands used to be so wet, they would leave moisture on any surface I touched. My feet sweat so bad that salt accumulates on the outside of my shoes. The Maxim stopped all of this. If you only have clammy hands once in a while it may be caused by nerves.
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