What can you do for a sore throte

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Drinking tea with honey can help a sore throat, as well as medicinal sprays and lozenges. Thanks for using ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-you-do-for-a-sore-throte ]
More Answers to “What can you do for a sore throte
Use chamomile tea with cinnamon, eat licorice, or squeeze lemons and drink the sour juice, seriously.
A sore throat can be a symptom of a cold or flu, or other illness. It may simply occur because of the atmosphere around you, such as the dry heat of a furnace. There are many remedies that you can try for a sore throat. With the price of do…
” My cousin did a whole musical on strep throat- if you’re really dedicated Im sure you could do it too.” BULLSHIT. Please don’t take that piece of shitty advice. If you are REALLY Dedicated, you will take care of your voice in a …

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Anyone know of a home remidey for really bad sore throte?
Q: I have an extreamly sore throte and throte drops dont work and its even hard to swallow. been to the Docs they say its just a virus.
A: I am an herbal student and i use this home remedy for myself and my kids..it gets rid of any sore throat problem including strep in 24 hours.1 tablespoon pure honey4 cloves pressed fresh garlic1/8 – 1/4 teaspoon of ground red (cayenne) pepper (grocery store spice section is fine)mix it up and take a teaspoon of the mixture every half hour to hour. The honey has anitseptic properties and will make the mixture stick to the troat. Garlic is antibiotic and will kill any germs or viruses on the troat tissue. The cayenne will help increase circulation to the tissue and carry away the germs killed. Cayenne is also a great healer and will speed the healing of any broken tissues. It also has pain reliving properties. This mixture feels like a warm blanket from the inside out. You want it to stick to the throat so dont drink anything just after taking it. And rememver you have to take it ever half hour to hour.
How can I get rid of a sore throte?
Q: My throte is killing me and I love songing but it hurts. How can I have a clear, soft and not aching throte quick. THANKS!
A: try drinking lemon juice putting it down your throat will supress the painand try gargling a little salt water to kill the bacteria
How can i make my sore throte better?
Q: i really want it to feel better by monday and it really hurts… how can i make it 99% or possibly 100% better ? 🙁
A: Limit your talking, drink plenty of fluids like plain water or warm tea, don’t eat crunchy foods, stick to things like mashed potatoes or creamed corm. An over-the-counter medicated throat spray may be helpful, smearing gobs of mentholatum over the outside of your throat will calm the muscles.
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