What can someone do to stop sleepwalking

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If someone is sleepwalking, do not wake them up. Tell them or gently guide them back to bad. ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-someone-do-to-stop-sleepwalking ]
More Answers to “What can someone do to stop sleepwalking
How do you stop someone from sleepwalking?
I used to also around that age. I dont know what it is that makes us do it or even if there is something out there to prevent it. However, I do know that when you sleepwalking only half your brain is working. You are half asleep, yet half a…
Can you hurt someone by sleepwalking? How can I stop sleepwalking…?
you can do anything while sleep walking, usually nothing harmful though. you will most likely grow out of it. i used to sleep walk and i grew out of it around 14.

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Can you hurt someone by sleepwalking? How can I stop sleepwalking?
Q: I sleepwalk and usually my parents say that I get up and try to get ready for school and talk some stupid nonsence about the last thing on my mind. P.S. I’m 13 going on 14.My question is can you hurt someone while doing it? Can I stop sleepwalking? How?
A: you can do anything while sleep walking, usually nothing harmful though. you will most likely grow out of it. i used to sleep walk and i grew out of it around 14.
How do you stop someone from sleepwalking?
Q: I have a little sister. She’s 14 years old. She sleepwalks…Its very annoying because she sleepwalks from her bed to MY bed. She’s been doing it so many times and it’s disrupting my sleep. How do I stop her from sleepwalking forever!?
A: I used to also around that age. I dont know what it is that makes us do it or even if there is something out there to prevent it. However, I do know that when you sleepwalking only half your brain is working. You are half asleep, yet half awake. Sounds creepy I know! I know its annoying and sometimes even scary, but they say the best thing to do is either let the person go till they get back to bed or lead them there yourself. You can give someone a heart attack if you startle them in anyway. So dont try waking or shaking your sister. Because from my own experience its pretty hard to wake the person anyway. As along as shes safe, its probably something she’ll just grow out of. Anyway, let your parents know.
Anyone in the military who’s sleepwalking and wants to stop?
Q: If the military finds out you’re sleepwalking, your out.Is there anyone here who sleepwalks and wants to stop? Maybe you want to join but need to find a way to stop sleepwalking beforehand so it won’t be a problem?
A: You’re right. Sleepwalking will get you discharged. Talk to a doctor. USMCgrlandMommy is on target.Report FATIMA. Abuse. Abuse. Abuse.
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