What can I do to prevent myself from getting swine flu

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For now, take commonsense precautions. Cover your coughs and sneezes, with a tissue that you throw away or by sneezing into your elbow rather than your hand. Wash hands frequently; if soap and water aren’t available, hand gels can substitute. MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-do-to-prevent-myself-from-getting-swine-flu ]
More Answers to “What can I do to prevent myself from getting swine flu
What can I do to prevent myself from getting swine flu?
The best way to avoid getting any flu or cold virus is to keep your hands clean. Ensuring you have clean hands prevents you from then putting the virus on your nose or on your eyes or your mouth, where it generally comes into contact with y…
How do I prevent myself from getting Swine Flu.
The swine flu epidemic is scary, big time! it has killed more than hundred of people in Mexico and is continuing to distress/bother the lives of people in USA, Canada, Spain and France.. Two students in New Zealand who came from Mexico have…
Will washing my hands often help prevent myself from getting swin…?
There is always some virus on tabletops, telephones and computers. So try not to touch your eyes, nose and mouth frequently. Washing and sanitizing your hands frequently is a very effective way of staying away from the infection. Alcohol-ba…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How do I prevent myself from getting swine flu?
Q: I’m going back to school tomorrow and with a school full of 600 people coughing and sneezing, I’m scared of getting swine flu. I’m bringing a hand sanitizer but is there anything else I can do so I won’t get swine flu?Thanks!
A: maybe you should homeschool.others than that try your best to not get too close to people that you see that are showing flu-like symptoms such as coughing & sneezing.Besides even if you do catch swine flu chances are that if regular seasonal flu hasn’t killed you or sent you to the hospital before in your life neither will swine flu.
How can I prevent myself from getting the swine flu?
Q: I’m not living in an area where it’s shown up, but i wanna be safe.
A: http://www.cdc.gov/swineflu/key_facts.htmWash your hands with hot soap and water. Use hand sanitizer, don’t share drinks, keep hands away from eyes, nose and mouth. Get plenty of rest. Cover your mouth when you cough, then wash your hands, avoid people who are coughing
What are places that I should avoid to prevent myself from the swine flu?
Q: I know this swine flu question is getting a little out of control, but everyone is scared!! here are some places that i thought of-mall (especially on weekends avoid at all times!)-crowded cities-night clubs and bars-sporting events-movie theaters-plays, concerts.. etc-restaurants.SO WHAT SHOULD I DO WITH MY LIFE?
A: Basically, don’t leave the house. Ever. You should only stay in doors, watch CNN, MSNBC, or Fox News, and buy any and every product you see advertised. Also, do not, I REPEAT, DO NOT think for yourself. This is the #1 cause of swine flu. This disease is intended to rid our country of anyone who thinks for themselves.Its the FLU! Millions die from the Flu every single year. Millions.
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