What can I do to make it feel better

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness Medicine Treatment Psychology .We found some answers as below for this question “What can I do to make it feel better”,you can compare them.

You could take an analgesic or Tylenol. You could also try a warm bath. 1-800-2ChaCha. You call, we text. Unlimited. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-do-to-make-it-feel-better ]
More Answers to “What can I do to make it feel better
I would say to just be there for him and not ask any questions because of how personal it is. Try making him laugh, watch funny movies, but don’t be too fake or obvious that you are trying to cheer him up. If he does come to you for advic…
Hi, Richard. If you really love her, please assure her that you like only her and that what you are doing is nothing personal against her but is part of every guy’s nature. We all check out women when we are out as guys. Some of us more dis…
The best treatment for the flu is bedrest and plenty of fluids. Try offering frozen fruit bars to encourage your child to get extra liquids — along with soup or broth, which may ease his congestion as well. For muscle aches and fever, give …

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A: I went through a break up recently too. There is one thing that got me through it. And it was knowing that there is a God who loves me and knows whats best for me, whether I like it or not. There is a man who loves you more than you or anyone else on the earth can possibly love you. His name is Jesus.This song also helped me out a lot. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bbrGxEFAEggThe song is by Skillet which is a rock band. Although they never say God or Jesus or faith or anything of that sort in the song.. the message is clear. Many of their songs are like this, this is just one that really helps me when I go through tough stuff. Hope it helps. I’ll be praying for you. God bless.
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A: Tomorrow is going to be great! Think on the positive side and life will bring you great joy and happiness.You sound like you are sad, but don’t be! Today is just a small step on the road of life!
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