What can I do for not being able to sleep

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Sedative-hypnotics may be referred to as tranquilizers, depressants, anxiolytics , soporifics, and sleeping pills. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-i-do-for-not-being-able-to-sleep ]
More Answers to “What can I do for not being able to sleep
What can I do about not being able to sleep?
I’m sorry you can’t sleep. I had insomnia for a few years and it really can make you feel like you’re going insane. Some people can handle three or four hours of sleep while others need up to eight. If all of the medicines you are taking ar…
Is not being able to sleep at night an early sign of pregnancy??
No. You may have insomnia AND be pregnant, but there are so many causes of insomnia that it is not a sign of pregnancy.
How to overcome my fear of not being able to sleep?
How old are you? If you are young (early teens) then it will probably come with time. I don’t really know how to overcome this kind of thing, but maybe focus on it in gradual steps eg. go to a foreign or different place with your mum and s…

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Q: Everytime he is asleep and I lay him down in his crib he wakes up right away and cries. He sleeps perfect in his carseat though. I want to get him in the habit of being able to sleep in his crib and on his back. Any suggestions?
A: Try swaddling him in a lightweight receiving blanket like the nurses did after he was born. He might not be feeling snug or secure enough. Sort of like a turtle on his back. If his arms are able to flail around he’ll feel like he’s falling.Give it a try. Your right in wanting him on his back. That’s the safest way to lay him down for the night.Good luck
Can you think of any songs about insomnia or simply not being able to sleep?
Q: I am trying to put together a mix CD about insomnia and/or not being able to sleep for my Mom, who is suffering from trauma induced insomnia. I am looking for pretty much any genre of music, although she’s a baby boomer, so she’s not much of a death metal gal, if you know what I mean. Thanks in advance for your help!
A: the song brainstew by greenday says “im having trouble trying to sleep”? haha but what about some songs to help her fall asleep?Maybe…lullabye by shawn mullins lullaby by jack johnson and matt costa..which is actually about trying to fall asleep.
Any remedies for a recent “not being able to sleep” streak?
Q: I haven’t been able to get to sleep at a decent hour for nearly 2 weeks now and my schedule is All messed up. ANy ideas?
A: You may need to ask your doctor for something to break the cycle (a sleeping pill). Once you get your body back on a regular cycle of sleep, you shouldn’t need it anymore.
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