What can cause hallucinations

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What can cause hallucinations”,you can compare them.

Causes of hallucinations include drugs, stress, sleep deprivation, meditation or sensory deprivation, exhaustion or brain damage. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cause-hallucinations ]
More Answers to “What can cause hallucinations
Drugs and ?…. I have hallucinated before. without drugs. This one time at school my friend slammed a door in my face and I wasn’t expecting it and some how?? or reason it made me see these blurry spots going in circles for about 30 mi…
Science? Yea, well many things can.. Spiritual perceptions, mental states, drugs, tapping into the sub-reality etc.. I guess you could ask, what is a hallucination? The brain is an amazing thing.. half primitive and half something “…
those who have had Parkinson’s for a long time. Medication It seems that the hallucinations are caused partly by Parkinson’s itself and partly by the medication that is prescribed to treat it. While just about any of the drugs can be to b…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What kind of diseases cause hallucinations?
Q: What kind of diseases cause brief hallucinations? They are very small (i.e. a face staring out of a solid wall, a person standing in the middle of the street, etc.). The hallucinations don’t talk, scare the person they are afflicting, or in anyway take away from this person’s life. The person they are afflicting knows they aren’t real and was wondering what kind of disease causes them. This person is 16, and has no other symptoms besides the occasional headache, which do not seem to correlate at all with the hallucinations.
A: I’m not sure. I have had a lot of head aches lately and have had weird things. But this has been at night, for all I know I was half dreaming.Has this person been getting sleep? Sleep deprivation could do it.Stress- is there a lot going on with their life right now?Ask them some time what kind of things they are seeing. Is the face someone they know? Is it their friend standing in the street. Find if there is anything that happened with these people, the mind could be confused and making them see things.I know this wasn’t very helpful, but maybe they should see their doctor, they know more than me or anyone on yahoo.
What happens in the brain to cause hallucinations?
Q: Hey there. So iv’e been into psychedelics for quite a while and i was always wondering why hallucinations occur. I frequently do shrooms and acid. For the sake of simplicity, lets just use acid as the topic here because i drop acid more often than i eat shrooms. So why when i drop acid, do i hallucinate? What exactly is the acid doing to me to make me hallucinate? Now if you guys can, on a broader scale, why do hallucinations occur period? what happens in the brain to cause ANY hallucination?
A: I have a simple answer for you. When you take hallucinogenic drugs, the chemicals react with neurotransmitters in your brain. Usually, serotonin or dopamine are released in enormous amounts. In short, these chemicals control how you perceive the world thereby manifesting visual and/or auditory hallucinations.
Do mushrooms cause hallucinations by not only releasing more seratonin, but also through brain swelling?
Q: I am under the impression that not only does the mushroom substance cause elevated seratonin levels, but they also cause the brain to swell and press against the skull causing the actual hallucinations whereas the seratonin causes the euphoric ecstasy. Can you shed any light on the validity of this?
A: shrooms don’t cause your brain to swell and only cause a mild serotonin release. shrooms contain the chemicals psilocybin and psilocin which bind to different serotonin receptors but the 5-HT2A receptor is the one that is believed to cause the hallucinations and psychedelic effects.a common myths is that shrooms make your brain bleed and that’s what causes the hallucinations. this is very far from the truth shrooms are one of the most non-toxic substances know to man they are even safer then asprin.
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