What can cause blood clots

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What can cause blood clots”,you can compare them.

Surgery,Long periods of inactivity,Certain medical conditions,Injury to veins and levels of clotting factors in the blood. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-can-cause-blood-clots ]
More Answers to “What can cause blood clots
There are many kinds of blood clots. There are those which occur when you cut your skin (these are commonly called “scabs”). There are those which occur inside veins. The ones which occur inside veins but cause problems are of two…
Blood clots form when there is damage to the lining of a blood vessel, either an artery or a vein. The damage may be obvious, such as a laceration, or may occur on the microscopic level. As well, blood will begin to clot if it stops moving …
There are various reasons for the formation of blood clots, from traumatic injury to certain surgical procedures. Certain medical conditions are also associated with the increased likelihood of clot formation: Arteriosclerosis Stroke Infect…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can repeated pinching cause blood clots?
Q: My girlfreind always pinches me, and i heard it gives you blood clots over time. Is this true?I tell her stop but she never will and just says quit whining. But im curious becuase i dont want those complications in the future.
A: No not blood clots, just bruises.
i am trying to find out what is the safest birth control i can take ? that wont cause blood clots i am scared?
Q: i am looking to take the pill or the patch but i read that they cause blood clots and that scared me . i am 18 and i am scared to take it anyone please give me some advice on what to do . plus i am about to have my baby this month and then i am getting on it then in about 2 years we are planing to have our second child can i just stop takeing it and get pregnant with no problem ?
A: Blood clots are really VERY rare, especially in young women who don’t smoke. If you are in that group, and have no other risk factors, you can safely take the pill (or use other hormonal methods). And if you do smoke … why not just quit smoking so you’ll gain that benefit as well. (If you will be breastfeeding you cannot use the regular pill or patch, but you CAN use the progeterone-only pill [mini-pill] — which also has a much lower risk of blood clots and other side effects.If you do have other risk factors or are just not comfortable with the pill, consider an IUD (if you and your partner are both monogomous and disease free), or condoms plus a vaginal spermicide/diaphragm. (Used together, condoms + spermicide are almost foolproof.)
snapping rubber bands against your arm can cause blood clots?
Q: is that actually true?i do it all the time. then my friend told me it causes blood clots.but i always do it to keep myself from cutting.
A: well, they cause bruises, so theoretically clots can be formed.
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