What bout in Washington

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At this time there has been 1 confirmed case on Vancouver Island, Canada close to Washington State. None yet in Washington State. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-bout-in-washington ]
More Answers to “What bout in Washington
How ’bout The Washington Nationals?
It’s a jam worth extending if you want to improve some further perspective; however, I don’t think I sped anymore than I ostensibly knew otherwise. Next Game Tampa Bay Rays @ Houston Astros Wednesday, Jul 30, 2008, 12:37 PM EDT Rogers Centr…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Which of the following is a true statement bout George Washington?
Q: he fought the French and Indian warhe had wooden teethhe owned slavesall of the above are true
A: All of the above!
Whats so great bout George Washington?
Q: What did he actually do? He starts a war, He goes out there, wins 8 battle,s losses 8 battles, not a great general as you can See. Then he retires somehow becomes president doesn’t do anything important and for some reason he becomes father of america. Seems very overrated. I could have done everything he did. The most overrated person in history.
A: The question denotes not only a misunderstanding of the man (George Washington) but has conclusions based on incorrect facts and misunderstandings (intended or not) of other facts.His life was long and full of so many events and elements that it si too much to relate here. If you spent time actually reading about this individual you would have a very different perspective, that is, assuming that the opinions you offer are real and not meant simply to garner shock.You could begin with reading his 110 “Rules of Civility & Decent Behaviour In Company and Conversation” written when he was sixteen. Or you could understand that he voluntarily gave up being commander in chief to the Congress when others in such a position used their position to take over the government.He was offered a kingship and turned it down.He also presided over the convention and yet didn’t direct it when he very easily could have.He was unanimously elected the first President of the United States. He didn’t ask for it but was drafted by the Founders.After two terms as President he walked away from government service when he could have continued as president as many terms as he desired.More than most he understood what this new country meant to the evolution of individual freedom and he performed as he believed.
Question Bout Washington/DC?
Q: Where is the white house? Washington or washington dc?Also are both places are in different area’s of America, or next to each other?Sorry just don’t know you see.Thanks.Excuse me…but i don’t live in America. So how would i know?And i couldn’t be bothered to Google it, because i thought people on here were nice.
A: The White House is in Washington, DC.Washington DC, originally named the District of Columbia, is a city on the Atlantic Coast, between the states of Virginia and Maryland. This spot was chosen to be the National Capitol because it was centrally located among the original colonies. It wasn’t named Washington until long after President Washington died.The state of Washington (became a state in 1889) is on the Pacific Coast, north of California and Oregon.Both the City and the State were eventually named after our first president, George Washington.
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