What blood pressure is dangerous

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What blood pressure is dangerous”,you can compare them.

Anywhere ranging from 140 & up systolic and 99 and up diastolic is considered dangerous. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-blood-pressure-is-dangerous ]
More Answers to “What blood pressure is dangerous
Is low blood pressure dangerous?
Generally no, but low blood pressure can be dangerous if it drops suddenly or is accompanied by symptoms like dizziness or fainting. Extremely low pressure may signal heart, endocrine or neurological conditions and could affect vital organs…
Is high blood pressure dangerous?
Over the past 10 years, the actual number of deaths due to hypertension has increased by 40 percent. High blood pressure contributes to 75 percent of all strokes and heart attacks. According to data gathered from the Heart Study, 50 percent…
Why is high blood pressure so dangerous?
It can cause the rupture of blood vessels, most dangerously cerebral blood vessels causing cerebral hemorrhage.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

Can bouts of high blood pressure be dangerous for your heart?
Q: As with yesterday, whenever i get worried or anxious or stressed, my blood pressure gets extremely high and i start having chest pains. like yesterday, it went up to 170 over 115 then after i was taken to the e.r. and calmed down my blood pressure was 130 or 75. Can having these bouts of high blood pressure be dangerous? Other than that, tests have ruled out heart problems.Im diagnosed with bipolar 1 disorder, psychosis, and anxiety disorders.
A: Yes of course it can, but being worried about it will only make it worse so be proactive. Do something about lowering it by meditating or exercising to reduce your anxiety levels.
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Q: i have orthostatic hypotension so i get low blood pressure. it can drop down to like more then 40 points. i want to know what is a dangerous drop?
A: Sorry i have no clue… as long as you’re alive you’re OK
How can I find out if my Dad’s blood pressure is dangerous?
Q: My dad’s blood pressure is 85/50. I know nothing about this and I need to know if this is dangerous or not!! Help please!
A: I think your dad is not doing physical exercise, is his job sedentary in nature? does he have symptoms like faintness or giddiness or he gets irritated very soon,does he takes sleeping pills. There are lots of reasons for the above reading. If your dad is feeling fine with this BP, leave him alone or you can consult a cardiologist for further evaluation.
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