What are types of heart attacks

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Types of heart attacks are Acute Coronary Syndrome, Unstable angina, Heart attack: Non-ST segment elevation myocardial (MORE?) [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-types-of-heart-attacks ]
More Answers to “What are types of heart attacks
What Are the Different Types of Heart Attacks?
After an individual has been admitted to the hospital with coronary symptoms, it is important for doctors to determine which part of the heart has been affected and how severe the damage is. Doctors accomplish this task by studying the hear…
What Types of Drugs Cause Heart Attacks?
A heart attack occurs when blood to the coronary muscle is blocked, usually by a clot. If blood flow isn’t quickly restored, the heart muscle begins to die, causing permanent damage. There are…
Are there more and less dangerous types of heart attack?
Yes. It depends on how much time the heart muscle tissue was left without oxygen and how much of it died. Front wall heart attacks are much more dangerous than rear wall and young people cope less than the elderly.

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the types of heart attacks?
A: When most people say “heart attack,” they mean an MI — myocardial infarction. This is usually caused when a plaque in one of the heart’s blood vessels ruptures and blocks the vessel. The heart muscle supplied by this vessel starves from lack of oxygen. If the clot is not eliminated in eight hours or so, most of the heart muscle in that region is irreversably damaged. Survival after a heart attack depends on how long it takes to get treatment, and how much of the heart muscle is affected. Another kind of “heart attack” could be an arrhythmia — the heart suddenly starts beating abnormally and is unable to sustain circulation. You may have heard people being “scared to death.” Although this is very rare, it probably refers to the heart going into an arrhythmia called pulseless ventricular tachycardia.
I thought that bth my father and uncle had died of heart attacks.?
Q: However on my father’s death certificate it read:’Coronary artery thrombosis due to coronary artety atheroma.’My uncle’s read: ‘Myocardial infarction.’Are there different types of heart attack? Otherwise why not use the same wording for every heart attack.
A: Just leave it to doctors to make things as confusing as possible!! Both your father and your uncle had heart attacks. Myocardial infarction is sorta generic for heart attack. Loosely translated, it means lack of oxygen (or lack of blood flow) to the heart muscle.There are lots of things that can cause a lack of oxygen reaching the heart muscle. The most commonly understood reason is plaque in the artery that blocks the blood flow to a particular area of the heart muscle. This is what your father had. It’s associated with the most common things you hear about heart disease: high cholesterol, family risk factors, bypass surgery and stents.A heart attack can also be caused by a “free flowing” blood clot that wedges in a coronary artery, blocking it off. Some dangerous heart rhythms can cause the heart to not receive enough oxygen, spasms in the heart muscle and a “weak area” in a coronary artery that bursts (anuresm) can all be called heart attacks.Why so specific on one and not the other?? Sometimes a doctor doesn’t know “exactly” what caused the heart attack. If they do know, some doctors are really particular about being very specific like your father’s doctor (that is really, really specific)and some aren’t. If the person signing the death certificate isn’t the patient’s regular doctor they are often less specific, unless it’s a pathologist which is usually very, very specific (due to autopsy).I hope that clears things up a little bit, and gives you some understanding. I’m sorry for your losses.
Do you know any vegans with any types of cancer or heart disease?
Q: One of the main reasons I became vegan was because of the book “The China Study,” and because of my family’s terrible history of heart disease. Our livers just make too much cholesterol on their own, etc. etc. I have scrawny 10 year old cousins with astronomical cholesterol etc…..So I just was curious if anyone out there knew pretty strict vegans who were unlucky enough to “still” get cancer and/or heart disease that would cause heart attacks, angina, etc. Thanks!!! Been vegan 95% of the time since Nov 06 and I love it! I’m Punjabi, which helps, because the ability to eat really spicy Punjabi, Indian, Pakistani, and Thai food makes you never ever ever miss all that meat, dairy, etc.! I love it and feel great!
A: NO WAY! I don’t know any vegan with any type of cancer or heart disease. I’m a proud vegan too. Poor cows, pigs, chickens, foxes, etc. Hopefully the world will change someday!
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