What are the withdrawls of nicotine

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Nicotine withdrawal symptoms: Cravings to smoke, Irritable, cranky, Insomnia, Fatigue, Inability to Concentrate, Headache, MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-withdrawls-of-nicotine ]
More Answers to “What are the withdrawls of nicotine
How long is nicotine withdrawls last?
I quit 2 years ago. In my experience, most withdrawal symptoms like dizziness, headache, blurred vision, etc. resolve within a week or two. When I quit, I was a bit snappy and depressed for about a month or two, but felt more or less normal…
How long do nicotine withdrawls usually last when you quit smokin…?
Hi Harry .. well i guess it really depends on what you mean by withdrawals.. Scott quotes that 3 day thing, and that’s for nicotine to get out of your blood stream.. that’s a generally accepted figure. actually folks in the recovery communi…

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While pregnant can your baby have nicotine withdrawls if you quit smoking?
Q: I am 28 weeks pregnant and have smoked ciggarettes my entire pregnancy, if i quit smoking right now can my baby have nicotine withdrawls?
A: My Dr. told me not to quit. Quitting causes stress and will harm thebaby. So I cut back to 5-7 a day. The result. 3 pregnancies, 3 bigand healthy babies. All because I listened to my Dr. His advicebenefited my children.
How long do nicotine withdrawls usually last when you quit smoking?
Q: What can be done to reduce the withdrawls?
A: Hi Harry .. well i guess it really depends on what you mean by withdrawals.. Scott quotes that 3 day thing, and that’s for nicotine to get out of your blood stream.. that’s a generally accepted figure. actually folks in the recovery community call the first week “hell week”.. but symptoms like tiredness etc, temporary weight gain etc, can go on for months… but my guess is that your probably talking about cravings.. folks in support groups, and the recovery community in general, have a little trick called the 5 D’s to deal with cravings.. 1 Distract.. (do something else), like you cant smoke when your hands are in dishwater for instance.. 2 Discuss.. you just did that by posting to yahoo answers, people in support groups would call a friend or send an e-mail.. 3 Delay.. tell yourself you don’t need one now.. if you delay all the time you have quit!! 4 Drink water.. as simple as this sounds it slows cravings, and flushes toxins from the body 5 Deep breathe.. most smokers only deep breathe taking a hit from the cigarette.. learn to breathe deeply again, its good for you.. you may have guessed by now im a member of a support group.. i attend Nicotine Anonymous meeting both locally, and on line… on line voice meetings are as close as your computer.. you are welcome to attend while still smoking, however you decide to quit, good luck, there is simply no wrong way to quit!!Nicotine Anonymous is a Non-Profit 12 Step Fellowship of men and women helping each other live nicotine-free lives. Nicotine Anonymous welcomes all those seeking freedom from nicotine addiction, including those using cessation programs and nicotine withdrawal aids. The primary purpose of Nicotine Anonymous is to help all those who would like to cease using tobacco and nicotine products in any form. The Fellowship offers group support and recovery using the 12 Steps as adapted from Alcoholics Anonymous to achieve abstinence from nicotine.
How can you stop nicotine withdrawls?
Q: I have to quit smoking and i know that i’m going to go crazy. Is there any thing that i can do to help the wilthdrawls?
A: The shortest and least stressful way to cover any withdrawals is to get some powerful help. Get yourself a ‘buddy’,- a friend, or family – to be there when you need them for encouragement and diversion.Keep healthy snacks on hand and lots of fruit juice and water for the first week or so. Exercise and occupying your time with a new hobby or skill should replace your old smoking time.In fact there are 100s of effective strategies for quitting smoking, but remember, don’t just try – do it, and don’t think you will suffer – turn your mind to the reasons you are quitting, the benefits, and how good you’ll feel when you’re smoke-free.The physical addiction to nicotine is gone in 2-3 days, so the rest is habitual, and psychological. There’s lots of tips, info and free help at http://www.quitguide.com plus a great guaranteed course you can do to make the whole process easier on yourself. This course powerfully guides you to re-program the desire to smoke right out of your life.
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