What are the symtoms and cures for a bladder infection

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Symptoms of bladder infection include burning, frequent peeing, and foul smelling cloudy urine. Treatment is primarily antibiotics [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symtoms-and-cures-for-a-bladder-infection ]
More Answers to “What are the symtoms and cures for a bladder infection
What are the symtoms of a bladder infection How can a bladder inf…?
all i know is drink lots of water to flush the bacteria and cranberry juice but the main thing that can cure it is antibiotics/medicine so if u think you have a infection i suggest that u speak to a doctor.
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Q: what are the symtoms, causes and cure.I pee a lot and one time i even wet my pants when i go out?
A: Yes it is possible. I am famous for getting them. The symptoms I get are if I have to urinate frequently, but only urinate just a little bit, even though it feels like I have a full bladder. Causes can be the fact that I hold my urine in too long without relieving myself. The bacteria causes inflammation to occur.A good cure is drinking a lot of cranberry juice, which helps flush out the infection. Drinking a lot of water will also help, but the main drink needs to be the cranberry juice.
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