What are the symptons of a sinus infection and sinus cold

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptons of a sinus infection and sinus cold”,you can compare them.

Symptoms of a sinus infection include the following: Thick, yellow, foul-smelling nasal discharge, pressure or pain around…MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptons-of-a-sinus-infection-and-sinus-cold ]
More Answers to “What are the symptons of a sinus infection and sinus cold
What is the diffrence between Swine Flu Symptoms and a Cold or Si…?
It is important to keep in mind most children with a runny nose or cough will not have swine flu and will not have to see their pediatrician for swine flu testing.
Is It a Cold or a Sinus Infection?
Cold symptoms usually build slowly over the course of a day or two, peak by days three or four, then slowly improve around the fifth or seventh day. Josephson says if after two or three days with a cold, you feel worse and start to blow a g…
How to Tell a Cold From a Sinus Infection
How to Tell a Cold from a Sinus Infection. and how to prevent a cold from becoming a sinus infection. You are sneezing and hacking, your nose is red, congested and blocked, and you feel awful. You have a slight fever. Is it a common cold?…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

i’m sure i have a sinus infection. i have all the symptons. will it go away on own, or do i need anitbiotics?
Q: symptons are: bad cold turned into prolonged coughyellow thick phelgmface painchronic headachetooth ache.how long should i wait before i pursure antibiotics?
A: To answer your question with out writing a book that does not even include an answer. Yes a sinus infection will go away on it’s own it can take 6-8 weeks. However if you choose to do this you will probably suffer from an on going cold and also reoccuring symptoms. My best advice would be to get antibiotics it gets rid of the pain alot faster and cold symptoms. You should see your doctor to be sure it is a sinus infection and discuss what would be the best treatment for you :>)
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