What are the symptoms of type A influenza

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of type A influenza”,you can compare them.

# Runny nose # Sore throat # Aching muscles # Headache # Cough # Nasal congestion # Malaise # Fever # Watery eyes # Aching joints # Sore throate # Aching body # Chills # Fatigue # Red eyes # Red skin # Red nose # Red throat # Loss of appetite MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-type-a-influenza ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of type A influenza
What are the symptoms of Haemophilus influenzae type B meningitis…?
The most prominent symptom of Haemophilus influenzae type B meningitis in older children is a stiff neck. In infants, there may be a bulging fontanelle. These symptoms are usually preceded by other symptoms including fever, nausea, vomiting…
How long will influenza type symptoms last?
You may have an allergy to it. If I were you, I would call your doctor and let them know. My educated guess is that the symptoms may vary from person to person.
What are the symptoms of Type A influenza subtype H3N2?
Symptoms of Type A influenza subtype H3N2: see symptoms of Type A influenza subtype H3N2 Complications of Type A influenza subtype H3N2: see complications of Type A influenza subtype H3N2

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

How long will influenza type symptoms last?
Q: 5 days ago I got Implanon(birth control implanted in the upper arm) yesterday I started feeling stuffy. I woke up today and feel like I’ve been run over by a truck. Runny/stuffy/sneezy nose, Xtremely dry throat, headache. I know this could be a side effect but I just don’t know how long this will last. Does anyone else have any idea when it might subside???
A: You may have an allergy to it. If I were you, I would call your doctor and let them know. My educated guess is that the symptoms may vary from person to person.
what are the symptoms of influenza type A?
A: Typical influenza illness includes fever (usually 100ºF to 103ºF in adults and often even higher in children) and respiratory symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, as well as headache, muscle aches, and often extreme fatigue. Although nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea can sometimes accompany influenza infection, especially in children, these symptoms are rarely the primary symptoms.
I was exposed to influenza the flu type A. Will I probably be very sick soon?
Q: This morning, I made out with my girlfriend. This afternoon, she began feeling very sick all of a sudden, fever of almost 103, and all the symptoms. She just got diagnosed with influenza type A and is very sick. Am I doomed? How long before I show symptoms?
A: How do you know for certain that it was “Influenza Type A?” To make a diagnoses like this a viral culture has to be obtained and sent in for analysis, it certainly would take more than a day to get the results back. Anyway, viruses are contagious and you might become ill, but all depends on your immune system. I’d advise you to stay away from her until she is not feverish anymore.
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