What are the symptoms of Scarlett fever

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of Scarlett fever”,you can compare them.

The most common symptom of scarlet fever is a rash that shows up as tiny red bumps. The rash is usually seen in people under 18. [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-scarlett-fever ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of Scarlett fever
How to Know Scarlet Fever Symptoms
Scarlet fever commonly occurs after someone contracts strep throat. The germs that cause scarlet fever can then be transmitted to others through physical contact and bodily fluids. There are…
When I was younger, I had scarlett fever symptoms, but my finder …?
Hello, I have looked in all my medical books and on line and can find nothing on growing a second set of nails, you may have a fungis under the nails that will make then appear very thick, or in some instances doubled. Check with the pharma…
What are the symptoms of scarlet fever?
Scarlet fever begins with a rash that shows up as tiny red bumps. It most often begins on the chest and stomach but can then spread all over the body. It looks like a sunburn and feels like a rough piece of sandpaper. Most of the time it is…

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When I was younger, I had scarlett fever symptoms, but my finder nails were weird, help me?
Q: My finger nails had finder nails growing underneath of them, and the top ones were falling off.I never went to the doctor, because we didn’t have enough money.What do you think caused that?please and thank you
A: Hello, I have looked in all my medical books and on line and can find nothing on growing a second set of nails, you may have a fungis under the nails that will make then appear very thick, or in some instances doubled. Check with the pharmasist, about otc medicine to clear this up. Good Luck Annmarie
Can a person have scarlett fever with only a rash and no other symptoms like sore throat, fever?
Q: My child was exposed to another child who was diagnosed with scarlett fever. I volunteer at the school alot and was probably exposed too. Now I have a mild rash on my arms and legs that is not raised and does not feel like sandpaper. My face looks sunburned. According to everything I read, you usually have strep throat symtoms first and then the rash. I guess I just want to be reassured this isn’t scarlet fever…and if it isn’t that..what could it be? Fifth disease?
A: You do not necessarily have to have a sore throat to have strep throat. Scarlet fever describes a sand-paper like rah that a person with strep throat develops in response to endotoxins released by strep in the infected throat.Get checked by your doc.
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