What are the symptoms of meningitus

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of meningitus”,you can compare them.

High fever, headache, and stiff neck are common symptoms of meningitis in anyone over the age of 2 years. Keep on asking ChaCha! [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-meningitus ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of meningitus
The symptoms of meningitis vary depending on the organism that is causing the infection. However, each child may experience symptoms differently. Symptoms may include: in infants (symptoms may be difficult to pinpoint): irritability fever s…
Meningitis symptoms include: high fever, severe headache, vomiting or nausea with headache, confusion, seizures, sleepiness, stiff neck, sensitivity to light, lack of interest in food or drink, and in some cases a skin rash. Meningitis symp…
pain all over, and runny nose, and vertigo

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are the symptoms of Meningitus?
Q: And how can you catch it? I just saw a commercial for a vaccine for it, and they named a couple symptoms and I think I might have it. Symptoms? Please..
A: Fever, nausea vomiting, stiff neck (pain with bending head forward), and photophobia (bright light hurst your eyes). If severe, one may have altered mental status. If you have most of these symptoms, you need to see your doctor right away.
Okay so i went to the doctor and he told me i have the symptoms of spiral meningitus?
Q: I got tested with blood tests and Xrays …. I called the doctor and he got the results back. He said everything was okay. I have all the symptoms of this disease…. Think i should get a 2nd opinion?
A: If you had spinal meningitis you wouldn’t be able to be sitting at this computer. If the doctor felt that you truely had it or that your symptoms were bad enough he would of done a spinal tap.You might have the symptoms, but those symptoms might be from the flu or another variety of reasons. If you feel you need a second opinion then you definatly should get one.The fact that the doctor didn’t do a spinal tap must mean he wasn’t too concerned that you have spinal meningitis.Did you ask the doctor what he thought was wrong with you? I would guess you have a powerful flu.Medicine is NOT an exact science. Thats why they say that Doctors pratice medicine. Meaning they could be wrong.Please get help if you are feeling worse or if you feel you need a second opinion.
Q: What are the symptoms of meningitus?I woke up this morning an im covered in spots
A: I’d say dont mess around with anything…. go directly to your doctor. Look ti up on www.wedmd.com though, there are two kinds viral and bacterial. Good luck. But rememner that advice on here is no substitute for your doctor, okay?
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