What are the symptoms of leukimia

Health related question in topics Conditions Illness .We found some answers as below for this question “What are the symptoms of leukimia”,you can compare them.

Leukemia symptoms are Fevers and night sweats. Frequent or unusual infections. Weakness and fatigue. Headaches. Bruising of MORE? [ Source: http://www.chacha.com/question/what-are-the-symptoms-of-leukimia ]
More Answers to “What are the symptoms of leukimia
Because leukemia is cancer of the blood-forming tissue called the bone marrow, the initial symptoms are often related to irregular bone marrow function. The bone marrow is responsible for storing and producing about 95 percent of the body’s…
Leukemia symptoms include: fatigue, malaise (a vague feeling of body wide discomfort), abnormal bleeding, excessive bruising, weakness, weight loss, bone or joint pain, infection and fever, abdominal pain or ‘fullness’, enlarged spleen, lym…
Source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lukemia#Symptoms Damage to the bone marrow, by way of displacing the normal bone marrow cells with higher numbers of immature white blood cells, results in a lack of blood platelets , which are important…

Related Questions Answered on Y!Answers

What are some symptoms of Leukimia?
Q: :S
A: There are a lot of symptoms for leukemia… Starting with fever,Anemia,bronchitis…Also you get nosebleeds, red spots, bruises on your skin..it’s possible that you sometimes get dental bleeds…leukemia is a very serious Cancer…in america a little more than 50% of people survive leukemia… it’s also the no.1 cause of cancer deaths with the youth in America.
what are the symptoms of feline leukimia?
A: Well, several years ago, my big fat cat ran away for about 2 weeks. When she returned she was super skinny, would not eat or drink. I rushed her to the emergency vet and they said that she had feline leukemia. The vet said he had seen it too many times and didn’t need to perform a test. I do remember the vet said that the testing is expensive and if they can do something for the cat it gets very costly and at that time, my cat would probably only last about 6 months, I’d be in debt and the cat would be in pain the whole time.Your best bet is to take the cat to the vets. Good luck and I hope it’s not feline leukemia.
can anxiety cause symptoms that you think of?
Q: Like last month I tought I was dying of Leukimia, now I have High Blood Pressure. And for some reason everytime I look up the symptoms I get them like a day later. Like leukimia, symptoms are Nose bleeds, bruising, fevers, headaches, joint/bone pain. And I swear I had at least two of those. I know its my head playing games, but is it really possible to actually get symptoms you frenquently think of? Thanks Im a 18 M…
A: bruising, headaches, and being achy are pretty common. Even a nosebleed a few times in your life doesn’t mean that you have leukemia. What you’re doing is taking a few benign symptoms and making them fit a diagnosis that is life threatening. Anxiety can cause high blood pressure if left untreated for a long period of time. Talk to your doctor about this, they may be able to make some recommendations to make your life a lot easier. Oh don’t expect to get much sympathy on here, most people on YA! have no compassion regarding anxiety or it’s effect on your life.
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